(11) To the deed dated August 9th, 1928, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L.
No. 4913, folio 120, from Henry Heim and wife to The
Church Extension Society of the Maryland Annual Confer-
ence of the Methodist Protestant Church.
(12) To the deed dated April 1st, 1924, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore City, in Liber S. C. L.
No. 4170, folio 253, from Baltimore Baptist Church Exten-
sion Society to Leadenhall Baptist Church of Baltimore City,
(13) To the deed dated March 7th, 1928, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore City, in Liber S. C. L.
No. 4855, folio 190, from The Maryland Title Guarantee Com-
pany to St. Matthews Evangelical Lutheran Church of Balti-
more, Md.
To the electric victrola presented to the Colored Tubercu-
losis Sanitorium at Henryton, Carroll Co., Md., from the. em-
ployees of the Baltimore Branch Natl. Lift & Accd. Ins.
To the bequest of the estate of Julius Levy, in the sum of
Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25, 000. 00) unto the Chizuk
Emoonah Congregation of Baltimore City, Eutaw Place and
Chauncey Avenue, which said sum shall be applied toward the
payment of any mortgage indebtedness of said Congregation
on its land and buildings at Eutaw Place and Chauncey Ave-
nue. In the event that there is no mortgage indebtedness, or
in the event that all of said sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dol-
lars ($25, 000) is not needed for such purpose, then the whole
of said sum, or any balance remaining after the mortgage debt
has been paid, shall be invested and re-invested as part of the
permanent funds of said corporation and the income therefrom
shall be used for its corporate purposes.
To the lease executed by David Keener and wife and Robert
G. Armstrong and Alexander F. Dulin, Trustees to William A.
Passavant and others, as Trustees of the English Evangelical
Lutheran Church, worshipping in Luther Chapel, Baltimore,
Md., which body corporate is now The Third Evangelical Lu-
theran Church of Baltimore, Md., a body corporate of the State
of Maryland, dated September 23rd, 1843, and recorded among
the land records of Baltimore County in Liber T. K. No. 334,
folio 168, of a certain lot of ground in Baltimore City, State
of Maryland, and also the holding and disposal of said property
by said Trustees and by said Third English Evangelical Lu-
theran Church of Baltimore, Md.