threatened breach of such rules or regulations, and said courts
shall have jurisdiction to grant such injunction on such alle-
gations being made. A certified copy of any of such rules
and regulations shall be deemed proper evidence of the same
in any of the courts of this State.
451C. The County Commissioners of Harford County,
shall, after this Act becomes effective, annually on or before
the first day of January, appoint as County Roads Engineer
a man having the degree of civil engineer and experience in
bridge and road building, or a man who has had at least ten
years' experience in road and bridge building, in a super-
visory and executive capacity, in charge of important road
and bridge work. The County Roads Engineer shall be di-
rectly answerable to the County Commissioners of Harford
County for the faithful and efficient discharge of his duties
and it shall be the duty of said County Commissioners to
remove him from office and he shall be removable from office
by them for neglect of duty, inefficiency, dishonesty and for
any other cause, matter or thing whatsoever which in the
opinion of said County Commissioners necessitates his re-
moval for the better, more efficient or more economical admin-
istration of county affairs relating to roads. But the County
Roads Engineer shall not be removable from his office by
the County Commissioners except after written charges pre-
ferred against him and an opportunity to be heard in his
defense afforded him. Hearings in regard to removal of the
Roads Engineer from office shall be public, and there shall
be no appeal from the decisions of the County Commissioners
thereon. Whenever a vacancy exists in the office of the Roads
Engineer, the County Commissioners of Harford County shall
immediately fill the same.
451D. The County Roads Engineer shall be responsible to
the County Commissioners for the proper expenditure of all
money collected, by levy or otherwise, for county road and
bridge purposes. He shall have power to employ so many and
such mechanics and laborers as he may think necessary for the
proper construction, care and maintenance of the county roads
and fix the wages thereof. He shall have power to appoint
so many and such assistants, inspectors, foremen and clerks as
he may think necessary and to fix their salaries, subject to the
approval of said County Commissioners. He shall have power
arbitrarily to discharge any of his employees or appointees,