serve or refuge and drive or attempt to drive any game birds
or game animals therefrom, either in the daytime or in the
night time, except with the written consent of the owner or
owners thereof.
Any person violating any of the provisions of Sections 63,
64, and 65, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction before any Justice of the Peace of this State shall
be fined not less than One Hundred ($100) Dollars nor more
than Five Hundred ($500) Dollars and cost or sentenced to
imprisonment in the House of Correction for a period of not
less than six months, nor more than one year for each and
every offense and shall be subject to both fine and said imprison-
ment in the discretion of the Court, and in addition to said
fine, shall be fined Five ($5) Dollars for each any every game
bird, eggs of same, or game animal sold or offered for sale or
taken or molested in violation of the law as provided in Sec-
tions 63, 64 and 65; and the license shall be revoked and game
on said property confiscated by order of the Game Warden.
76. It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt for any
Elk or Deer within the State of Maryland, from June 1st,
1927, until December 1st, 1931, provided, however, it shall
be lawful to shoot or kill any male deer with six-inch antler,
in Allegany County, and within any game preserve within
Washington County enclosed by a fence not less than seven feet
high, between the dates of December 1st and December 15th,
both dates inclusive, and in Garrett County between the dates
of December 1st and December 3rd, both dates inclusive.
(a) It shall be unlawful to hunt in any manner any Elk or
Deer except through the use of a gun propelling one all-lead
or lead alloy or soft nosed or expanding bullet or ball at a
single discharge, or to take an elk or deer in any manner ex-
cept through the method known as still hunting. It shall be
unlawful for any person at any time to shoot at or kill, or
wound or capture, or attempt to kill or wound or capture,
either an Elk or Deer while same is taking refuge in or swim-
ming through the waters of any stream, pond or lake. It shall
be unlawful for any person to make use of a dog in hunting
Elk or Deer and every person who takes a dog into the woods,
or who has possession or control of a dog in the woods and
uses same for chasing, taking or killing an Elk or Deer, shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor.