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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 1020   View pdf image (33K)
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of justice, he shall issue an order directed to the Bar Asso-
ciation and/or State's Attorney of the City or County, as
the case may be, in which his said court is located, requir-
ing said Bar Association and/or State's Attorney to prose-
cute the charges named in said order on a clay specified therein,
which day shall not be less than fifteen or more than sixty days
from the date of said order, and shall direct that a copy of said
order be forthwith served on said attorney. If it appear that-
said charges cannot be served on said attorney within the State,
the same may be served upon him without the State by mail or
otherwise, as the Court shall by its order direct.

10B. Charges of professional misconduct, malpractice,
fraud, deceit, crime involving moral turpitude, or conduct prej-
udicial to the administration of justice against any attorney at
law may be filed in any court where such attorney is admitted
to practice by any bar association acting through its appro-
priate committee or by any group of five or more members of
the bar and thereupon such proceedings shall be had as if said
charges had been filed by the court and specified in the order
directing the prosecution thereof, referred to in the preceding

10C. Every charge filed against any attorney shall be in
writing and shall be of such particularity as to give him suffi-
cient notice of the evidence to be offered in support of it.

10D. Said charges shall be heard before two or more judges
of the judicial circuit in which said court, wherein such charges
have been filed, is located, and the accused attorney shall be
afforded full opportunity to be heard and, unless the accused
attorney shall in writing elect otherwise, all the testimony taken
at said hearing shall be taken down by a stenographer and
transcribed as in -civil cases. Said hearing shall be governed
by the rules of law, evidence and procedure of civil cases, so
far as the same may be applicable thereto.

10E. Every attorney who shall, after having an opportun-
ity to be heard, as provided in the preceding sections, be found
guilty of professional misconduct, malpractice, fraud, deceit,
crime involving moral turpitude, or conduct prejudicial to the
administration of justice, shall, by order of the judges finding
him guilty, be suspended or disbarred from the practice of his
profession in this State.


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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 1020   View pdf image (33K)
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