secutive calendar days ending at midnight as the Board
may by regulations prescribe.
(p) "Calendar quarter" means the period of three con-
secutive calendar months ending on March 31, June 30.
September 30, or December 31, excluding however, any
calendar quarter or portion thereof which occurs prior to
January 1, 1937, or the equivalent thereof as the Board
may by regulation prescribe.
An individual's "weekly benefit amount" means the
amount of benefits he would be entitled to receive for one
week of total unemployment. An individual's weekly bene-
fit amount, as determined for the first week of his benefit
year, shall constitute his weekly benefit amount throughout
such benefit year.
(r) "Benefit year," with respect to any individual,
means the fifty-two consecutive week period beginning
with the first day of the week with respect to which bene-
fits are first payable to him, and thereafter, the fifty-two
consecutive week period beginning with the first day of
the first week with respect to which benefits are next pay-
able to him after the termination of his last preceding
benefit year.
(s) The term "base period" means the first eight of the
last nine completed calendar quarters immediately pre-
ceding the first day of an individual's benefit year.
Whenever the term "Board of Review" is used in this
Act it shall mean the three Executive Directors, whose
appointment is provided for herein; and of which "Board
of Review" the Chief Executive Director shall act as Chair-
20. The legislature reserves the right to amend or re-
peal all or any part of this Act at any time; and there
shall be no vested private right of any kind against such
amendment or repeal. All the rights, privileges, or im-
munities conferred by this Act or by acts done pursuant
thereto shall exist subject to the power of the Legislature
to amend or repeal this Act at any time.