imprisonment for not longer than sixty days, or by both
such fine and imprisonment; and each such false statement
or representation or failure to disclose a material fact, and
each day of such failure or refusal shall constitute a sep-
arate offense.
(c) Any person who shall wilfully violate any pro-
vision of this Act or any rule or regulation thereunder,
the violation of which is made unlawful or the observance
of which is required under the terms of this Act, and for
which a penalty is neither prescribed herein nor provided
by any other applicable statute, shall be punished by a fine
of not less than $20. 00 nor more than $200. 00, or by im-
prisonment for not longer than sixty days, or by both such
fine and imprisonment, and each day such violation con-
tinues shall be deemed to be a separate offense.
(d) Any person who, by reason of the non-disclosure
or misrepresentation by him or by another, of a material
fact (irrespective of whether such nondisclosure or mis-
representation was known or fraudulent) has received any
sum as benefits under this Act while any conditions for
the receipt of benefits imposed by this Act were not ful-
filled in his case, or while he was disqualified from receiv-
ing benefits, shall, in the discretion of the Board, either be
liable to have such sum deducted from any future benefits
payable to him under this Act or shall be liable to repay
to the Board for the unemployment condensation fund, a
sum equal to the amount so received by him, and such sum
shall be collectible in the manner provided in section 15 1
(b) of this Act for the collection of past-due contributions.
17. (a) In any civil action to enforce the provisions
of this Act the Board and the State may be represented
by the Attorney-General or by any qualified attorney who
is a regular salaried employee of the Board and is desig-
nated for this purpose upon recommendation of the At-
(b) All criminal actions for violations of any provi-
sion of this Act, or of any rules or regulations issued pur-
suant thereto, shall be prosecuted by the State's Attorneys
of the respective counties or of Baltimore City as the case
may be, in which the employer has a place of business or
the violator resides.
1 Evidently sec. 14 intended.