shall be provided, if possible, a reserve against the liability
in future years to pay benefits in excess of the then current
contributions, which reserve shall be set up by the Board
in accordance with accepted actuarial principles on the
basis of statistics of employment, business activity, and
other relevant factors for the longest possible period.
Whenever the Board believes that a change in contribution
or benefit rates will become necessary to protect the sol-
vency of the fund, it shall promptly so inform the Governor
and the Legislature, and make recommendations with re-
spect thereto.
General and special rules may be adopted, amended, or
rescinded by the Board, upon recommendation of the
Executive Directors appointed in accordance with the pro-
visions of the Act, only after public hearing or an oppor-
tunity to be heard thereon, of which proper notice has
been given. General rules shall become effective ten days
after filing with the Secretary of State and publication in
one or more newspapers of general circulation in this State.
Special rules shall become effective ten days after notice,
which notice shall be by mailing to the last known address
of the individuals or concerns affected thereby. Regula-
tions may be adopted, amended or rescinded by the Board,
upon the recommendation of the Executive Directors, and
shall become effective in the manner and at the time pre-
scribed by the Board.
The Board, or the Executive Directors, shall cause to
be printed for distribution to the public the text of this
Act, the Board's regulations and general rules, its annual
reports to the Governor, and any other material the Board
deems relevant and suitable and shall furnish the same to
any person upon application therefor.
Subject to the other provisions of this Act the Board
is authorized to appoint, fix the compensation and pre-
scribe the duties and powers of such employees as may be
necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. The
Board shall classify the positions and shall establish salary
schedules and minimum personnel standards for the posi-
tions so classified. It shall provide for the holding of