either determine whether or not such claim is valid, and
if valid, the week with respect to which benefits shall com-
mence, the weekly benefit amount payable and the maxi-
mum duration thereof, or shall refer such claim or any
question involved therein to an appeal tribunal or to the
Board, which shall make its determinations with respect
thereto in accordance with the procedure described in sub-
section (c) of this section, except that in any case in which
the payment or denial of benefits will be determined by the
provisions of section 5 (d) of this Act, the deputy shall
promptly transmit his full finding of fact with respect to
that subsection to the Board of Review, which, on the basis
of the evidence submitted and such additional evidence as
it may require, shall affirm, modify, or set aside such find-
ings of fact and transmit to the deputy a decision upon
the issues involved under that subsection. The deputy shall
promptly notify the claimant and any other interested party
of the decision and the reasons therefor. Unless the claim-
ant or any such interested party, within five calendar days
after the delivery of such notification, or within seven cal-
endar days after such notification was mailed to his last-
known address, files an appeal from such decision, such
decision shall be final and benefits shall be paid or denied
in accordance therewith. If an appeal is duly filed, bene-
fits with respect to the period prior to the final determina-
tion of the Board of Review shall be paid only after such
determination: PROVIDED: That if an appeal tribunal
affirms a decision of a deputy, or the Board of Review
affirms a decision of an appeal tribunal, allowing benefits,
such benefits shall be paid regardless of any appeal which
may thereafter be taken, but if such decision is finally re-
versed, no employer's account shall be charged with bene-
fits so paid.
Unless such appeal is withdrawn, an appeal tribunal,
after affording the parties reasonable opportunity for fair
hearing, shall affirm or modify the findings of fact and
decision of the deputy. The parties shall be duly notified
of such tribunal's decision, together with its reasons there-
for, which shall be deemed to be the final decision of the
Board, unless within ten days after the date of notification
or mailing of such decision, further appeal is initiated
pursuant to subsection (e) of this section.
To hear and decide disputed claims, the Board shall
establish one or more impartial appeal tribunals consisting