AN ACT to repeal Section 43-C and 43-D and to repeal and
re-enact with amendments 43, 43-A and 43-B of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Allegany County, " sub-title
"County Treasurer and Taxes, " and to add a new section
to be known as Section 43-BB to follow immediately after
Section 43-B, providing the method and procedure to be
followed by Tax Collectors in Allegany County for levying
an execution and 'distraint for taxes in Allegany County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 43-C and 43-D of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Allegany County, " sub-title
"County Treasurer and Taxes, " as enacted by Chapter 183
of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1912 be
and the same is hereby repealed, and that Sections 43, 43-A7
and 43-B of said title and sub-title be and the same are re-
pealed and re-enacted with, amendments and that a new section
be added to be known as Section 43-BB to follow immediately
after said section 43-B, said sections as re-enacted and said
new section to read as follows:
43. The County Commissioners of said County shall make
their annual levy for state and county taxes on the third
Tuesday in April in each and every year. Upon all tax bills
for county purposes, which shall be paid in full on or before
the thirtieth day of June in the year of the levy thereof, a
discount of five per centum shall be deducted from the amount
thereof, and upon all tax bills paid during the month of July
succeeding the levy thereof a discount of four per centum shall
be allowed, and upon all tax bills paid during the month of
August succeeding the levy thereof a discount of three per
centum shall be allowed. No discount shall be allowed on any
tax bill paid after the 31st day of August next succeeding the
date of the levy thereof. All taxes levied for county purposes
remaining unpaid on the 31st day of August in the year of the
levy thereof shall be in arrears and interest shall be charged
and collected thereon from said 31st day of August at the
rate of one per centum per month or for a fractional part of
each month until paid.
43-A. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners
as soon as the annual levy shall have been made to give public