SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That out of the actual
cash proceeds of sale of any of said bonds shall be first paid
the cost of printing and other outlays connected with their
issue, and the balance of said actual cash proceeds of the
sale of said bonds shall be deposited by the County Treasurer
in interest-bearing accounts in such bank or banks as the Coun-
ty Commissioners may designate. Said balance of the actual
proceeds of the sale of any of said bonds shall be used and
expended for the purpose of constructing and permanently im-
proving the public roads and highways of Baltimore County.
and for no other purposes. Nevertheless, the proceeds of the
sale of said bonds may be expended by the County Commis-
sioners of Baltimore County in the discharge of any sums that
may be due the State of Maryland for one-half the cost of the
construction of lateral roads in Baltimore County by the State
Roads Commission under Chapter 508 of the Acts of the Gen
eral Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January Session,
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That such of the pro-
ceeds of sale of said bonds which are to be expended for the
construction of new roads or the permanent improvement of
old roads in Baltimore County shall be expended in the fol-
lowing manner, and in no other manner and for no other pur-
The annual report or comprehensive plan of road and
bridge work of the Roads Engineer of Baltimore County
which is required to be submitted by him to the County Com-
missioners of Baltimore County on or before the first day of
December in each year, as provided by Chapter 4 of the Acts
of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at its January
Session, 1920, popularly known as the Road Budget, shall
contain a plan in writing supplemented by plats if need be,
prepared by the Roads Engineer, showing in detail the pro-
posed expenditure of whatever sums may be available through
the sale of any of said bonds for the construction and perma-
nent improvement of the Public County roads, naming the
roads proposed to be permanently improved or rebuilt, the
width and length of the proposed new construction and setting
out the general specifications for the proposed work, and said
plans shall be so prepared so that every taxpayer of the County
may readily see what disposition is proposed to be made of the
proceeds of said loans available for the permanent construction