School Bond Issue of Nineteen Hundred Twenty-seven" to
the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50, 000. 00), shall ma-
ture and become payable on the first day of July, 1931, and
a like series to the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50, -
000. 00) on the first day of July in each and every year there-
after, until all of said bonds of said issue shall have been
redeemed; and that said bonds shall be so issued, that a series
of the said issue, designated "Allegany County School Bond
Issue of Nineteen Hundred Twenty-eight (1928)" to the
amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25, 000. 00) shall
mature and become payable on the first day of July, 1946,
and a like series to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars
($25, 000. 00) on the first day of July in each and every year
thereafter, until all of said bonds of said issue shall have been
redeemed, and said bonds shall be sold, after due advertise-
ments by the said County Commissioners of Allegany County,
to the highest bidder or bidders.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the County Commissioners
shall annually cause to be levied and collected from the assess-
able property in Allegany County a tax which shall be suffi-
cient to pay the interest on said bonds and also to redeem all of
said bonds which shall mature during that year; and said tax
shall be collected in like manner as other taxes levied in said
county are collected, and when collected shall be applied to
the payment of the interest on said bonds and to their redemp-
tion as and when they mature.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the County Commissioners
shall, when notified by the Board of Education of Allegany
County that they desire to avail themselves of the provisions
of this Act and of the approximate amount of money that they
will require for the purpose aforesaid, from time to time adver-
tise and sell said bonds as above provided or so many thereof
as shall be necessary to produce the sum designated by the
Board of Education of Allegany County, but in no event shall
the credit of the county be pledged to an amount in excess of
five hundred thousand dollars ($500, 000. 00) and the County
Commissioners shall pay over the entire proceeds of the sale of
said bonds to said Board of Education of Allegany County,
who shall account for the same and the expenditures thereof
in the same manner as they account for other money passing
through their hands.