SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That ($500, 000) Five
Hundred Thousand Dollars of said bonds shall be dated the
first day of April, 1927, ($500, 000) Five Hundred Thousand
Dollars dated the first day of April, 1928, ($500, 000) Five
Hundred Thousand Dollars dated the first day of April,
1929, ($500, 000) Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of said
bonds shall be dated the first day of April, 1930, and all of
said bonds shall be sold in series according to their ma-
turity, and each series lettered alphabetically with a dif-
ferent letter or letters, beginning with the letter A, and
the bonds of each series numbered consecutively begin-
ning with the number One, and said bonds shall be so issued
that the principal of said loan shall accrue and be payable as
April 1, 1928................
. $40, 000
April 1, 1929................
. $40, 000
April 1, 1930................
. $40, 000
April 1, 1931................
. $40, 000
April 1, 1932................
. $40, 000
April 1, 1933................
. $40, 000
April 1, 1934................
. $40, 000
April 1, 1935................
. $40, 000
April 1, 1936................
. $40, 000
April 1, 1937:...............
. $40, 000
April 1, 1938................
. $40, 000
April 1, 1939................
,. $40, 000
April 1, 1940................
. $40, 000
April 1, 1941................
, $60, 000
April 1, 1942................
$60, 000
April 1, 1943................
$60, 000
April 1, 1944................
$60, 000
April 1, 1945................
$60, 000
April 1, 1946................
. $60, 000
April 1, 1947................
. $60, 000
April 1, 1948................
. $60, 000
April 1, 1949................
. $100, 000
April 1, 1950................
, $100, 000
April 1, 1951................
. $100, 000
April 1, 1952................
. $100, 000
April 1, 1953................
. $100, 000
April 1, 1954................
. $100, 000
April 1, 1955................
. $100, 000
April 1, 1956................
. $100, 000