SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That when said bonds
shall be executed as herein prescribed, the said Mayor and Town
Council of Kitzmillersville shall advertise the same in at least
one newspaper published in Garrett County, and in such other
newspaper, if any, as they may deem advisable-, inviting sealed
proposals for the purchase of said bonds, or any part thereof,
with the privilege to said Mayor and Town Council to reject
any or all bids. The Mayor and Town Council of Kitzmillers-
ville, aforesaid, may advertise the said bonds for such length
of time as in their discretion is adequate notice to the public
and may offer all of said bonds for sale at the same time or
may offer them at different intervals in such installments or
amounts as they may deem advantageous to said town in carry-
ing on the work of constructing the river wall for which they
are issued. It is especially intended that the power hereby
vested in the Mayor and Town Council shall be a continuing
power until the whole Five Thousand Dollars ($5, 000. 00) shall
have been issued and sold.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the money arising
from the sale of said bonds shall be kept as a separate fund by
the Mayor and Town Council of Kitzmillersville in some safe
bank, shall be used exclusively for the purposes of this Act and
shall be drawn out only on checks signed by the Mayor and
'Countersigned by the Clerk of the Town Council, and the said
Clerk of the Town Council shall keep in a, book for the purpose
a full registry of the bonds sold, the number of bonds and name
of the purchaser or purchasers, the amount realized on the sale
or sales and any transfers and assignments of the same.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the funds realized
from the sale of the bonds as aforesaid shall be available and
shall be used exclusively for the completion, under the super-
vision of the Mayor and Town Council of Kitzmillersville or
such engineer as they may employ, of the river wall already
partly constructed along the Potomac river above and at said
town and for the further erection of any additional wall along
said river which said Mayor and Town Council shall deem nec-
essary and proper for the protection of said town and its inhab-
itants from flood waters overflowing the banks of said river,
and said Mayor and Town Council are hereby clothed with all
the power and authority necessary for the erection of said wall
and are authorized to build and construct the same.