approval of said County Commissioners. He shall have power
to arbitrarily discharge any of his employees or appointees,
without the consent of the County Commissioners, but when-
ever any one appointed by him and whose salary has been ap-
proved by the County Commissioners is discharged by him, he
shall immediately notify said County Commissioners in writing
of his action and of his reason or reasons therefor. He shall
make no purchase except on a written and signed requisition
filed with him in duplicate. One copy shall be retained in his
office. When the amount of the purchase does not exceed $250
he shall make the same and immediately present the bill for the
same with the other copy of said requisition attached, to the
County Commissioners for payment. When the amount of the
purchase will in his judgment exceed $250 he shall first present
one copy of said requisition to the County Commissioners for
their approval and said Commissioners shall immediately act
upon the same and when approved by them in writing said pur-
chase shall be made after requesting bids therefor, and the bill
for said purchase, together with the requisition approved by
said County Commissioners with a memorandum of the bids re-
ceived attached thereto, shall be immediately presented by said
Roads Engineer to said County Commissioners for payment.
Bills shall be paid promptly with a view of securing the largest
possible discount. Requisitions, receipted bills and all other
original papers and accounts shall be preserved in the office of
the County Commissioners and be open to the inspection of any
taxpayer of Baltimore County. The Baltimore County Roads
Engineer shall inspect the roads and bridges of the county as
often as may be necessary to thoroughly familiarize himself
with the condition and requirements of the county generally
and make such special examinations and report as the County
Commissioners may require. He shall have full power to sus-
pend work being done by contract if the same is not in his
judgment being done according to the contract and the County
Commissioners when work is done by contract shall make no
payment except upon the written certificate of said Roads
Engineer that said work has been done in conformity with such
contract. Said Engineer shall annually on or before the first
day of February in each year make a written report to said
County Commissioners and to the Maryland Geological Survey
covering the condition of the county roads and the improve-
ments that have been made in each district in the twelve months
ending on the last day of the preceding December, showing