provided, however, that in lieu of assessing benefits, as provided
in this Section, the Commissioners of Delmar may, in their
discretion, provide for the payment of all obligations created
by this Act, by general taxation.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of
retiring the bonds authorized by this. Act and the payment of
the interest thereon, there shall be levied annually by the Com-
missioners of Delmar against all property liable to taxation in
the town of Delmar, at the regular tax levying period, an amount
sufficient to meet and pay the interest on said bonds so issued
and outstanding, and to meet and pay the principal of said
bonds as they shall become due from time to time, after de-
ducting all amounts in hand applicable to payment of interest
and principal on said bonds, as hereinbefore provided, which
tax shall be levied and collected as other municipal taxes now
are, or may be hereafter by law levied and collected, and have
the same priority rights, bear the same interest and penalties,
and in every respect be treated the same as other municipal
taxes now are. Said amount so levied and collected shall be
kept in a separate fund, to be used for the payment of said
interest and principal, and for no other purpose whatsoever.
The said Commissioners of Delmar are authorized to pay the
interest on any bonds it may issue, prior to the first tax levying
period, out of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds. In order
that the prompt payment of interest and the proper provision
for the payment of principal of said bonds shall be assured, the
prompt and proper performance of the respective acts and
duties heretofore defined is specifically enjoined, and any fail-
ure upon the part of any person, persons, body corporate or
agent to perform the necessary acts and duties, heretofore set
forth, to pay over the said funds as required, or to use said
funds or any part thereof for any other purpose than for the
payment of the principal and interest on said bonds, is hereby
declared a misdemeanor and punishable as other misdemeanors
are punishable by Section 12, of this Act.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That for every sewer con-
nection, as provided under Section 4, of this Act, said Com-
missioners of Delmar shall make such charge as it shall deter-
mine to be reasonable, which charge shall be uniform through-
out the town of Delmar, subject, however, to revision annually
by the Commissioners of Delmar. Said charge shall be paid by
all property owners at the office of the Commissioners of Del-
mar before the actual connection with any sewer or private
property is made; or any owner so desiring may pay one-fourth
of said charge, in which case the balance shall be paid in three
equal annual installments, such deferred payments to bear in-