shall have an equity in real property in said town of Colmar
Manor, and shall file a petition with a member of the Board of
Election Supervisors as provided for in Section 7 of this Act,
containing the signatures of at least ten voters of the town of
Colmar Manor, within fifteen days previous to the election;
when said petitions have been filed and the time for their fil-
ing having expired, the Board of Election Supervisors shall
cause to be published in such manner as shall give general pub-
licity, the names and positions to which they aspire, of the
petitioners who have filed their petitions in accordance with
this Act.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor, with
the approval of the majority of the Councilmen, shall desig-
nate a Justice of the Peace to act as a Police Justice, shall
appoint a Solicitor, a Marshal, and a Health Officer to hold
office for two years, or until their successors are appointed and
qualified. The Mayor and Council shall fix the compensation
of each, and of all subordinates under them, and shall pre-
scribe their duties except as herein provided; provided, how-
ever, that the Justice of the Peace acting as a Police Justice1,
the Solicitor, and the Marshal and the Marshal's assistants
shall receive no compensation other than such fees as are al-
lowed Justices of the Peace and Constables in similar cases.
The Marshal and the Health Officer shall each, with the ap-
proval of the Mayor and Council, appoint such assistant or
assistants, as the Mayor and Council will allow, and shall be
held responsible under the Mayor for the enforcement of such
regulations as the Mayor and Council may prescribe. They
shall attend the meetings of the Mayor and Council, and per-
form such duties as they may be directed to perform. The
Clerk shall keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Mayor
and Council in a well bound book to be provided by the Mayor
and Council, which shall be open for inspection to all persons
interested therein. He shall receive the taxes and other moneys
due the town, and deliver same to the Treasurer, keeping a
record of each item. The Treasurer shall keep all moneys be-
longing to the town and disburse the same only in accordance
with the regulations and orders of the Mayor and Council.
The Clerk and the Treasurer shall each give bond to the Mayor
and Council in such penalties and with such sureties as the
Mayor and Council may require. The Marshal shall preserve
the peace and good order of the town, and enforce the ordi-
nances passed by the Mayor and Council, and for this purpose