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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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hereby added to said Charter, said new section to be known as
Section 37A, to follow immediately after Section 3 of said
Charter and all to read as follows:

4. The male and female inhabitants of Greensboro, citizens
of the State of Maryland and of the United States above the
age of twenty-one years, who have resided in said town for at
least six months next preceding the election and who are assess-
ed on the tax books of said town with real or personal property
to the value of at least one hundred dollars, or females whose
husbands are assessed to the above amount, and all other male
and female residents of said town possessed of the qualifications
of citizenship, age and residence as aforesaid, who shall on or
before the third Monday in March of each year pay to the
treasurer or bailiff of said town a sum of money equal to the
tax rate for that year on one hundred dollars, and receive a
receipt therefor, and no others, shall between the hours of one
and five o 'clock in the afternoon, at such places as the Commis-
sioners of said town shall appoint, elect by ballot from among
the resident and qualified voters of said town who shall be as-
sessed on the tax books thereof with at least three hundred dol-
lars' worth of property, persons to serve as Commissioners of
Greensboro as follows.

On the fourth Monday of April in the year 1927, five persons,
three to hold office as Commissioners of Greensboro for one year
and until their successors are duly elected and qualified and
two to hold office as such Commissioners for two years and until
their successors are duly elected and qualified. On the fourth
Monday of April in each even numbered year thereafter three
persons to hold office as Commissioners of Greensboro for two
years and until their successors are duly elected and qualified;
and on the fourth Monday of April in each odd numbered year
thereafter two persons to hold office as such Commissioners for
two years and until their successors are duly elected and quali-

36. Said Commissioners may whenever they shall deem it
necessary borrow on the credit of said town, by note or other-
wise, any amount they may deem necessary, provided that
said indebtedness thus created shall not exceed at any time the
sum of two thousand five hundred dollars.

37A. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners of
Caroline County to pay annually to the Commissioners of
Greensboro six per centum of the taxes levied upon the prop-
erty within the corporate limits of said town, provided that
said town shall not receive less than the sum of two hundred
dollars, said sum to be used for the benefit of said town in such
ways as the Commissioners of said town may elect.


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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