(Chapter 657)
House Bill No. 635 provides that when there are no eligible
applicants for Johns Hopkins University State Scholarships
from some particular county, then the Senator from that
county may name, for the time being, someone from another
county. The University authorities advise me that the diffi-
culty with this bill is that anyone appointed under it would
naturally expect the scholarship to continue for the full term,
whereas in the following year an eligible person might apply
from the county in question and be entitled to the scholarship.
The University trustees have also established a number of trus-
tee scholarships for the purpose of appointing scholars where
there are vacancies unfilled in any particular county. For
these reasons, the bill does not seem to me advisable or neces-
sary, and I will veto it.
(Chapter 658)
House Bill No. 144 relates to public accountants. This
bill provides that any public accountant who was in business
on January 1st, 1924, and who failed to register with the
State Board of Examiners of Public Accountants, shall be
entitled to register at any time before June 1st, 1928. The
present law requires public accountants who were in business
on January 1st, 1924, to register by January 1st, 1925. This
gave such accountants a year to comply with the provisions of
the Act. No reason is perceived why, at this late date, the
matter should be reopened and the time extended until June
1st, 1928. Accordingly, this bill will be vetoed.
(Chapter 659)
House Bill No. 274 prescribes a standard thread for fire-
hose, couplings and hydrant fittings.
I think this may properly be left to the public authorities
having jurisdiction over the matter and the bill will be vetoed.