a nature which, in the judgment of the Commission is im-
proper or inadequate, satisfactory equipment shall be installed.
All cesspools, sink drains and privys shall be abandoned and
closed. Any violation of the provisions of this Section shall
be a misdemeanor punishable under Section 22 of this Act.
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That before any plumb-
ing, water works or sewer construction is done in any build-
ing, or upon any private property, within any Sanitary Dis-
trict, the person, firm or corporation doing the same shall
first obtain a permit from the Commission and pay therefore
such reasonable sum as the Commission may prescribe. Such
work shall be done under and pursuant to such rules, regula-
tions and requirements as the Commission may from time to
time formulate, and subject to such inspection as it may deem
necessary. No connection of any kind shall be made with any
water main or sewer, constructed or maintained by the Commis-
sion, without a permit and under such conditions as the Com-
mission may authorize. In. order to prevent waste of water,
the Commission of its agents or employees shall have the right
of entry at reasonable hours to all buildings or premises hav-
ing any connection with the water supply or sewerage systems
under its jurisdiction, and may, upon presenting proper cre-
dentials from the Commission, order and require such changes
in all plumbing, water works or water or sewer connection as
it may deem necessary to eliminate leakage, loss of water, or
unnecessary or improper use of sewers. No private or semi-
public water supply or sewerage installation intended for the
use of two or more buildings or premises shall be constructed
in any Sanitary District without the person, firm or corporation
doing the work having first obtained a permit from the Com-
mission and paid a reasonable charge therefor, and such plant
shall then be installed, maintained and operated under such
rules and regulations as the Commission may require or devise.
Any violation of any of the provisions of this Section shall be
a misdemeanor punishable under Section 22 of this Act.
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That every water and
sewer connection, as provided for under Section 10, the Com-
mission shall make such charge as it shall determine to be rea-
sonable, based upon the width of the street, road, alley, or
right-of-way in which the connection is made, provided how-
ever, that the connection charge on either side of the street,
road, alley or right-of-way shall be uniform. All of the reve-
nue, above actual cost, derived from such charges shall be re-
tained by the Commission as a fund for repairs, replacements or
any extraordinary expense in the maintenance and operation of
the water supply, sewerage and drainage systems under its con-