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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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quate, that it shall then enter into a written contract with said
purchasers to which said contract a good and sufficient bond
of said purchaser or purchasers, with surety or sureties to be
approved by the Town Commissioners of Centreville, shall be
attached, for the carrying out of the provisions of said contract
of sale, when said sale shall become effective and enforcible
under the provision of this Act as hereinafter set forth.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That when the sale of
the municipal electric lighting and power plant of Centreville
shall be made under the provisions of this Act, the proceeds
arising from said sale shall be used by the Town Commissioners
of Centreville in the following order and manner:

(a) To pay all expenses and charges incident to said sale.

(b) To pay all outstanding bonds and indebtedness of the
municipal electric lighting and power plant of Centreville.

(c) To pay all other bonds and outstanding indebtedness
of the municipal corporation of the town of Centreville.

(d) To invest any and all of balance of said purchase money
after paying such items as are set forth in sub sections, (a),
(b), and (c) and use the income derived from said investments
in paying:

1st: the cost of lighting the streets of the Town of

2nd: for the general running expenses of said Town of
Centreville and for any improvements that the Town Com-
missioners of Centreville may desire to make.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That before this Act
shall become effective the Town Commissioners of Centreville
shall submit the question of selling said municipal electric
lighting and power plant to the qualified voters of said town
at a special election to be called by said Commissioners at a
time and place to be designated by them, and notice of said
election shall be given by publication in the two newspapers
printed and published in said town of Centreville at least two
weeks before said Election. The ballots shall be prepared by
the Town Commissioners of Centreville and shall have printed
on them a condensed form of the contract for the sale of the
municipal electric lighting and power plant:

The words, ''For Sale of Plant" with a blank square opposite
the right of said words, and immediately thereunder -shall be
the following words: "Against Sale of Plant" with a blank
square opposite the right of said words. And the voter shall
indicate his choice by making a cross (X) in one of said blank
squares. And the Town Commissioners of Centreville shall
appoint the necessary officers to conduct the election.


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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