Any department, board, commission, institution or officer
may at any time submit in writing to the Governor an amended
schedule for the disbursement and apportionment of the ap-
propriations made to it or him. If the Governor shall approve
such amended schedule he shall transmit the same, with his
certificate of approval, to the Comptroller and thereafter such
appropriations shall be paid out in accordance with said
amended schedule. Any such amended schedule so submitted
to the Governor may be withdrawn at any time before the
Governor has acted thereon. Any amended schedule approved
by the Governor may be again amended at any time in like
manner and with like effect. All amendments and schedules
made or approved by the Governor shall be reported by him
to the next session of the General Assembly.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Comptroller
shall establish from the unexpended balance in the Treasury
a revolving fund of not more than $100,000, for the purpose
of paying for purchases made by the Central Purchasing Bu-
reau for the several using authorities of the State, the sup-
plies so purchased and delivered to said using authorities to
be charged against their corresponding Budget appropriation
in proportion to their use of such supplies. Such charges shall
operate as credits to and in reimbursement of the revolving
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That all moneys re-
ceived by any department, board, commission, officer or insti-
tution of the State, from sources other than appropriations
made in the Budget, and dedicated by any Act of Congress
or laws of this State to some specific purpose or purposes, and
which have been accounted for to the Comptroller and paid
into the Treasury, may be disbursed by the Treasurer, upon
warrant of the Comptroller, to such department, board, com-
mission, officer, or institution for the purpose or purposes for
which the same are dedicated.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That after the payment
of the specific appropriations hereinafter listed and made,
there is hereby appropriated out of any excess in the State
Treasury during the two fiscal years ending September 30th,
1929, the sum of $100,000.00 for the use of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland of 1927, if called in special session only, or for
the use of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1929, said
sum to be used solely for emergencies which could not be fore-