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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1140   View pdf image (33K)
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the terms of office of six on the first Monday of May, 1930,
and the terms of office of six on the first Monday of May,
1932, and thereafter in each case the Governor, with advice
and consent of the Senate, shall appoint six members in the
place of the six whose terms shall so expire. All vacancies
occurring by reason of death, resignation or removal from
the State shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired
terms. There shall be a colored Executive Secretary of the
Commission. The members of the Interracial Commission
shall serve without pay.

The Executive Secretary shall be appointed by the members
of the Commission, or a majority of them, provided that such
appointment shall not take effect before October 1, 1927.
The Executive Secretary shall hold such office as long as he
shall faithfully and efficiently discharge the duties' thereof.
He may be removed by the Commission for cause in accord-
ance with the By-Laws after an opportunity for a hearing,
and any vacancy occurring in the office shall be filled in the
manner hereinbefore provided.

The Executive Secretary shall report annually on or before
January 1st, to the Interracial Commission, concerning the
activities and proceedings of the Interracial Commission,
which reports shall be transmitted by the Chairman of the
Commission to the Governor.

2. The members of said Commission shall receive no com-
pensation but such necessary expenses as may be incurred in
the performance of their duties, shall be paid by the Comp-
troller of the Treasury on the presentation of an itemized ac-
count with proper vouchers, provided that such expenses shall
in no case exceed the amounts appropriated therefor.

Appropriations shall from time to time be made for sur-
veys, traveling expenses, office rent, stationery, postage, print-
ing, advertising, telegraph, telephone, mimeographing, multi-
graphing, books, periodicals, office furniture and the like, and
to provide prizes and programs for community fairs and farm-
ers conferences, and for other similar general or educational

3. Said Commission shall make such By-Laws and regula-
tions, not inconsistent with this Article, as it may deem proper.
It shall have full and plenary powers to investigate inter-
racial conditions and to promote the welfare of the colored
race and the betterment of interracial relations.


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1140   View pdf image (33K)
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