ten dollars and not more than fifty dollars for each offense,
and, in default of the payment of such fine, to undergo an im-
prisonment of not less than ten days for each separate offense:
Provided, That the total term of imprisonment at one time for
additional offenses shall not exceed six months.
Each mattress, pillow, bolster, feather bed or comfortable,
made, remade, or renovated, sold, offered for sale, delivered,
consigned, or possessed with intent to sell, deliver, or consign,
contrary to the provisions hereof, shall constitute a separate
Each imitated or counterfeited tag made, used, sold, offered
for sale, delivered, or consigned, contrary to the provisions
hereof, shall constitute a separate offense.
The Director of Health may revoke any permit issued under
the provisions of this Section 51, if the person to whom the per-
mit was issued has violated any provisions of this Section 51 or
the rules or regulations established thereunder.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That if the provisions of
Section 2 of this Act aforesaid cannot take effect in their en-
tirety, because determined to be unconstitutional as to part or
parts of said Section 2, nevertheless all the remaining provi-
sions of this Act shall be given full force and effect, as fully and
completely as if the part or parts so determined to be uncon-
stitutional had not been included in said Act.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of
this Act shall not apply to any mattresses, pillows, bolsters,
feather beds, or comfortables, as provided for in this Act, which
any dealer in this State may have on hand, in transit or pur-
chased and not delivered on date the Act becomes effective.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect on the First day of July, 1924.
Approved April 9, 1934.
AN ACT to add a new section to article 57 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland, title, "Limitations of Actions, " to be
known as Section 16, to extend in certain cases, the period
in which an action or suit may be brought.
( Vetoed. )