shall desire to raise the whole or any part of such county's
share of said lateral road money for the year 1924 by assessing
a tax upon the taxable basis of said county, the said Board of
County Commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered
to borrow such amount as shall be required for said purpose for
the year 1924, and issue their script as evidence of the obliga-
gation, and to include in the next succeeding tax levy the
amount necessary to repay such loan or loans
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the State Roads
Commission shall, on or before January 15, 1925, and January
15, 1926, respectively, ascertain, on the same basis as hereinbe-
fore set forth, the amount to which each county will be entitled
in the balance of the proceeds to be derived from the sale of
bonds to be dated June 15, 1925, and June 15, 1926, respectively,
and shall immediately and not later than January 15, 1925, and
January 15, 1926, respectively, send notice thereof to the County
Commissioners of the respective counties, and it shall there-
upon become the duty of the proper authorities in each county,
during the years 1925 and 1926, respectively, to provide, by
any of the methods hereinbefore set forth, an equal amount
to represent the said county's share of said lateral road fund
for 1925 and 1926, respectively, and the same powers and duties
shall rest upon the Boards of County Commissioners of the
several counties and the State Roads Commission with reference
to said funds to be raised and used during 1925 and 1926, re-
spectively, as those hereinbefore conferred for 1924.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That one-half of the cost
of construction of all lateral roads which shall be built in pur-
suance of the provisions of this Act, shall be paid by the State
out of the proceeds from the sale of bonds set apart in the man-
ner hereinbefore provided, to the counties in which such roads
are respectively located, and the remaining one-half with the
funds to be provided by said counties, respectively, as herein
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That those portions of
the proceeds from the sale of the bonds or certificates of in-
debtedness herein authorized, which are herein appropriated to
meet obligations imposed upon the State by its assent to any
Act or Acts of Congress appropriating Federal aid to the sev-
eral States in the construction of rural post roads, shall be used
by the State Roads Commission, subject to the conditions and
provisions contained in said Act or Acts of Congress, in the
construction of rural post roads throughout the State, pro-