alleged to be in default setting forth the date of the levy of
said charge, the property against which the same was levied
and the amount thereof, and shall pray that the said property
and the said owner shall be declared to be indebted to the
Commission in the amount claimed. The Clerk shall there-
upon issue an order of publication against all of the defendants
in said cause which order shall state the substance of the bill
and shall notify all of said persons to answer said bill on or
before a certain date to be named therein, which date shall be
not less than forty nor more than sixty days after the filing
of said bill. Said order of publication shall be published three
times in any newspaper published within the Sanitary Dis-
trict and within the county within which such suit is filed.
After proof of publication and on the date named therein or
any date to which said hearing may be continued, the Court
shall hear the said Commission and any person having an-
swered said bill, and as to all who have not answered said bill
shall declare a lien established upon the property set forth in
said bill, and as to those persons who have answered said bill
shall determine the right of the matter and enter a decree
accordingly. Said decree when in favor of the Commission
shall have the effect of a lien upon the property mentioned in
said bill. The Clerk shall at the request, of the Commission
issue a subpoena or summons against any of such defendants,
and as to any of said defendants returned summoned and
against which a decree has been entered said decree shall have
the force and effect of a judgment in personam against the
said defendants summoned. Immediately after the filing of
said decree the Clerk of the Court shall enter in the proper
judgment records of said Court against each of the defendants
named in said bill against whom a decree has been filed, the
name of said defendants and the amount decreed against each
of them, together with the costs. The Clerk of the Court shall
be allowed fifty cents for each defendant named in said bill,
which shall be paid by the Commission and recovered by the
Commission as costs. The Clerk of the Court shall further tax
such sum as the Commission shall certify in said Equity Court
as the cost of publication, not in any case to exceed one dollar
for. each defendant. Such judgment shall remain a lien upon
the property mentioned in said bill and a judgment in per-
sonam against the defendants summoned till the same is paid,
any statute of limitation to the contrary notwithstanding, and
may be collected and enforced by the said Commission at any