President and Secretary or Clerk of the Board of County Com-
missioners of said county, within twenty days after the bonds
are presented by said commission to them for indorsement.
And the County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County are
hereby authorized and directed to issue notes or certificates not
to exceed five thousand dollars pending the floating or issuance
of the bond issue. Any amounts advanced to the said sanitary
commission shall be refunded to the County Commissioners
out of the moneys derived from sale of the first bond issue.
Section 7. And be it further enacted, That whenever the
plans and specifications for water supply, sewerage or drainage
systems for any districts shall have been completed and said
commission shall have decided after opportunity for a hearing
has been given, to proceed with the construction, it shall ad-
vertise, by one newspaper published in Anne Arundel County,
and such newspapers and technical press as it may deem
proper, for bids for the construction of said system or systems,
in parts or as a whole, as in its judgment may appear advis-
able. The contract shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder,
or the commission may reject any or all bids, and, if in its dis-
cretion the prices quoted are unreasonable, it may readvertise
the work or any part of it, or may do any part or all of the
work by day labor, with the approval of the said County Com-
missioners; provided that at any time the commission may, in
its discretion, expend by day labor for construction work an
amount not exceeding five hundred ($500) dollars without ad-
vertising or receiving bids. All such contracts shall be pro-
tected by such bonds, penalties and conditions as the commis-
sion may require, all of which shall be enforced in any court
having jurisdiction.
Section 19. And be it further enacted. That any employee
or agent of said commission shall have the right of entry, at all
reasonable hours, upon any private premises and into any
building in the sanitary districts, while in pursuit of his official
duties, and any restraint or hindrance offered to such entry by
any owner or tenant, or agent of said owner or tenant, shall
be a misdemeanor punishable under Section 21 of this Act.
Section 24. And be it further enacted, That all Acts and
parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be
and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of their incon-
sistency: provided that nothing herein contained shall be taken
as restricting any control which the State Board of Health of
Maryland is empowered to exercise within the sanitary dis-