Laws of Maryland of 1924
At a Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun and
held in the City of Annapolis, on the Second day of
January, 1924, and ending on the Thirty-first day
of March, 1924, the Honorable Albert C. Ritchie
being Governor of the State, the following Laws
were enacted, to wit:
AN ACT to repeal Sections 103 and 104 of Chapter 96 of the
Acts of 1922 of the General Assembly of Maryland, said Sec-
tions being known as Sections 103 and 104 of Article 1-A
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Alle-
gany County, " sub-title "City of Cumberland, " and relat-
ing to the Registration of Voters and Elections, and to re-
enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 103 and 104 of Chapter 96 of the Acts of
1922 of the General Assembly of Maryland, known as Sections
103 and 104 of Article 1-A of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Maryland, title "Allgany County, " sub-title "City of Cum-
berland, " and relating to the Registration of Voters and Elec-
tions, be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted so as
to read as follows:
103. The Mayor and City Council of Cumberland shall
cause to be maintained a registration of the legal voters in the
city wards and precincts of said city, and the general registra-
tion heretofore made in 1922, shall, together with such addi-
tions, changes and alterations, as may have been made in ac-
cordance with the law in force at the time of said registration,
and together with such additions, changes and alterations as
may be, or become necessary, constitute such registration; said
registration shall be corrected in the manner provided in the
General Registration Law of the State, and shall specify the
residence of the voter on each street, lane or alley, and such