by warrant or indictment upon the oath or information of any
member of said Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy or any employee
thereof, and the offender shall, upon conviction, be subject to a
fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars or 30 days in the
County Jail, or both, in the discretion of the Court. Where such
act or omission is of a continuous nature and is persisted in. in
violation of the provisions of this Act, or any rule or regulation
formulated thereunder, a conviction for one offense shall not
be a bar to a conviction for a continuation of such offense subse-
quent to the first or any succeeding conviction.
SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That at any time the
Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy deems it advisable, advantage-
ous or necessary to use water from any other source to augment
their supply, it may contract with any party or parties who can
furnish such water, after first getting1 the approval of the Mary-
land State Department of Health and the Public Service Com-
mission of Maryland, and any and all payments to be made to
such party or parties for such water must be first approved by
the said Public Service Commission All costs for any and
all such connections as are, or may become necessary under this
Section shall be borne by the Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy.
SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That, at any time, the.
Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy shall be empowered to extend
its water system into any area outside of the corporate limits of
Mt. Airy, contiguous thereto or in the vicinity thereof, when-
ever a majority of the property owners of said area shall agree
to the conditions that may be imposed by the Mayor and Council
of Mt. Airy.
SEC. 19. And be it further enacted, That during any calen-
dar year, after the year in which the last of the bonds issued
under this Act are sold, the Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy may
issue bonds, for the extension, enlargement or improvement of
the water system, not in excess of $5, 000, and all other provi-
sions of this Act shall become applicable to each of said bond
SEC. 20. And be it further enacted, That at the next regular
election of the Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy there shall be sub-
mitted to the qualified voters of the town of Mt. Airy, the ques-
tion whether bonds shall be issued for said water supply system
in Mt. Airy, and at such election the ballots cast upon such
question shall have the words "For Bond Issue for Water Sup-
ply System, " and "Against Bond Issue for Water Supply Sys-