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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 256   View pdf image (33K)
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SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the following additional section be added to the
Charter of the Burgess and Council of Myersville, in Freder-
ick County, as enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Acts of 1904, Chapter 94, and as repealed and re-enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland, Acts of 1908, Chapter
513, to follow Section 9 in the said Charter, and to be known
and designated as Section 9B, to read as follows:

Section 9B. The Burgess and Council of Myersville are
hereby authorized and empowered whenever, in their judg-
ment, the public interests or convenience require it, to provide
by ordinance for the grading, paving, curbing and sewering,
or drainage or drain, or for the grading, or paving, or curbing,
draining or sewering, and for the regrading, repaving, recurb-
ing, resewering, or for the regrading, repaving, or recurbing,
or resewering in such manner, at such time and with such ma-
terial as they shall see fit, of any street or streets, lane or lanes,
alley or alleys, or any portion thereof, in the town of Myers-
ville, now condemned, ceded, opened as a public highway, or
which may be hereafter condemned, ceded, opened, widened,
straightened or altered according to the laws and ordinances
relating to the same; and also for assessing the costs of any
such work in whole or in part upon the property binding upon
such street or streets, lane or lanes, roads, alley or alleys, or
part thereof, according to such rule or basis as they may deter-
mine, and for collecting* said assessment as other town taxes
are collected, or in such manner as may be prescribed by ordi-
nance of the Burgess and Council of Myersville, either before
or after the work shall have been done; provided that before
the passage by the Burgess and Council of any ordinance re-
quiring the whole or any portion of the costs to be assessed
upon the property, ten days' notice shall be given by the Bur-
gess in some newspaper published in or nearest said town in
Frederick County, notifying all persons interested to appear,
and giving them the opportunity to be heard before the Bur-
gess and Council at such time as shall be provided in said
notice; and the Burgess and Council of Myersville are hereby
authorized and empowered to provide by ordinance for the ap-
pointment of a Committee of the Burgess and Council, or such
other person or persons as they shall appoint, not exceeding
three, who shall act as Councilman or Councilmen, to deter-
mine the amount of the assessment to be made upon any such
property under the provisions of this Act; and the ordinance


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 256   View pdf image (33K)
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