or work a sum exceeding five hundred ($500. 00) dollars, without
first having advertised the specifications therefor and invited
bids for the same, after which said Committee may purchase
such material or make contracts for such work, or have such
work done by employed labor, or otherwise, as it may deem
best; and provided, further, that said committee may make con-
tracts, after due advertisement, for lighting said village; and
provided, further, that no member of said committee shall fur-
nish any supplies of any kind or contract in any manner with
said committee.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the said Citizens'
Committee of said North Chevy Chase, subject to the approval
of the said Board of County Commissioners, may adopt such
regulations with respect to the disposition of all garbage, the
sanitation of said village, the erection of buildings therein,
excavation and improvement of streets, regulating the speed of
traffic therein, the care of property, the removal of snow and ice.
or any other police or health regulation and to provide penalties
for the violation thereof as said committee may deem proper,
which regulations shall be enforced by or through said commit-
tee. Such penalties shall be recoverable before a magistrate or
justice of the peace of Montgomery County, Maryland, for the
use of said committee; provided, however, that if, after due
notice, any regulation requiring the removal of unsightly woods
or debris from, or the abatement of any nuisance upon any
property within said village is not complied with by the owner
of the property within a reasonable time, the said committee
shall have the authority to have said work done, at a reasonable
price, and to assess the cost thereof against the property of the
delinquent party, the same to become a lien against said prop-
erty and to be collected in the same manner as the county taxes
are collected and turned over to the Treasurer of said committee
of said village.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of
making the improvements provided for in section four of this
Act, or for making improvements from time to time other than
maintenance and repairs, the said committee is hereby author-
ized and empowered to borrow money and otherwise contract
indebtedness and obligate said village of North Chevy Chase in
amounts not exceeding, in the aggregate at any time, ten per
centum of the assessed valuation of all property within said vil-
lage, and for these purposes said North Chevy Chase shall be
and is hereby constituted a corporation, and the said Citizens'