necessary to eliminate improper use of water. In order to
prevent waste of water, said Mayor and Common Council of
Manchester shall have the right of entry at reasonable hours
to all buildings or premises having any connection with the
water supply under their jurisdiction, and may order and re-
quire such changes in all plumbing, water works or water con-
nections as they may deem necessary to eliminate leakage or
loss of water. No private or semi-public water supply installa-
tion intended for the use of two or more buildings or premises
shall be constructed in said town of Manchester without the
person, firm or corporation doing the work having first ob-
tained a permit from said Mayor and Common Council of
Manchester and paid a reasonable charge therefor, and such
plants shall then be installed, maintained and operated under
such rules and regulations as said Mayor and Common Council
of Manchester may require or devise. Any violation of any
of the provisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor pun-
ishable under Section 16 of this Act.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That for every water
connection, as provided under Section 8. said Mayor and Com-
mon Council of Manchester shall make such charge as they
shall determine to be reasonable, which charge shall be uni-
form 'throughout the town of Manchester, subject, however, to
revision annually by the Mayor and Common Council of Man-
chester. Said charge shall be paid by all property owners at
the office of the Mayor and Common Council of Manchester
before the actual connection with any pipe on private property
is made; or any owner so desiring may so pay one-fourth of
said charge, in which case the balance shall be paid in three
equal annual installments, such deferred payments to bear in-
terest at the rate of 6 per cent, and to be payable at the same
time, in the same manner, and subject to the same penalties
and methods of collection as the front-foot benefit charges pro-
vided under Section 7. One-half of the revenue above actual
cost derived from such charges shall be retained by the Mayor
and Common Council of Manchester and as contingent fund
for repairs, replacements or any extraordinary expense in the
maintenance and operation of the water supply system under
their control. The remaining half shall be applied by the
Mayor and Common Council of Manchester to the payment of
the bonded debt as hereinafter provided.
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That all sums collected
by the Mayor and Common Council of Manchester for benefits