drants, valves, specials, tanks, pumps, motors, engines, or such
like equipment if, in their discretion, they deem it advisable,
and may advertise as aforesaid for bids for the construction of
said system in parts, or as a whole, using said equipment as in
their judgment may be deemed advisable. All such contracts
may be protected by such bonds, penalties and conditions as the
Mayor and Common Council of Manchester shall require, all
of which shall be enforceable in any Court having jurisdiction.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Common Council of Manchester for the purpose of assessing
benefits for the construction of said water supply system, shall
divide all properties binding upon a street, lane, alley or right-
of-way, in which a water main is to be laid, into four classes,
namely: agricultural, small acreage, industrial or business,
and sub-division property. Immediately upon the commence-
ment of the water supply project, the Mayor and Common
Council of Manchester are empowered and directed to fix and
levy a benefit charge upon all property abutting upon said
water main, in accordance with the classification, and shall in
writing notify all owners of said properties into which class
their respective properties fall and the charge determined upon,
naming also in said notice a time and place when and at which
said owners will be heard. Such notice may be mailed to the
last known address of the owner, or served in person upon any
adult occupying the premises, or in the case of vacant or unim-
proved property, posted upon the premises. The classification
of and benefit assessed against any property as made by the
Mayor and Common Council of Manchester shall be final, sub-
ject only to revision at said hearing. The Mayor and Com-
mon Council of Manchester may change the classification of
properties from time to time, as said properties change in the
uses to which they are put. Said benefits shall be levied for
water supply construction upon the number of front feet abut-
ting upon the street, lane, alley or right-of-way in which the
water main is placed; provided, however, that no lot shall be
assessed on more than one side, that corner lots in this class
shall be assessed on that frontage towards which the building
does or would naturally face, and that all lots in this class shall
be assessed for their full frontage even though a water main
may not extend along the full length of any boundary; and,
provided, further, that in the case of irregular shaped lots,
and shallow lots fronting 011 more than one street, the Mayor
and Common Council of Manchester may determine upon for
assessment, and may assess, such length of frontage as they