Act of Assembly
Chapter No.
General Government.......................
$722, 740. 92
$237, 155. 33
$959, 896, 25
Protection of Persons and Property........
549, 913. 50
339, 145. 89
889, 059. 39
Promotion of Agriculture..................
685, 125. 21
86, 546. 65
771, 671. 86
Conservation of Natural Resources........
60, 917. 60
235, 077. 13
295, 994. 73
Conservation of Health....................
290, 347. 05
290, 347. 05
Maintainance of Highways.................
3, 165, 860. 25
3, 165, 860. 25
Maintainance of Hospitals, Homes, Asylums,
1, 613, 233. 87
395, 373. 38
2, 008, 607. 25
Maintainance of Reformatories and Correc-
tional Institutions.......................
444, 261. 83
73, 806. 83
518, 068. 66
2, 071, 700. 00
1, 707, 738. 55
3, "9, 438. 55
118, 079. 39
1, 141. 60
119, 220. 99
Payments Account of Loans...............
$3, 774, 805. 09
3, "4, 805. 09
Payment of Specific Revenue...............
615, 172. 90
615, 172. 90
Public Debt................................
3, 278, 304. 06
3, 278, 304. 05
$6, 556, 319. 37
$10, 135, 322. 56
$3, 774, 805. 09
$20, 466, 447. 02
Total Receipts, including Balance brought down Statement "A".....................................
$26, 375, 514. 62
Total Disbursements, Statement "B".................................................................
20, 466, 447. 02
Balance in Treasury, September 30th, 1923..........................................................
$5, 909, 067. 60
Of the above Cash there is obligated for payment out of General Funds, Special Funds, Loan Funds,
and monies belonging to Sinking Funds, the sum of............................................
3, 384, 514. 29
Balance unobligated as of October 1st, 1923.........................................................
$2, 524, 553. 31