scribed shall deliver to the person upon whom such service is
made a copy of such plumbing code and of such rules and reg-
ulations, and shall obtain from such person upon whom such
service is made a receipt of such copies as aforesaid, or in de-
fault of such receipt shall file with the Commissioners an affi-
davit that such copies have been delivered as aforesaid. Any
violation of said code or of any rule or regulation prescribed
by the Commissioners as above, upon the part of any person to
whom such copies shall have been delivered as aforesaid, shall
be punishable by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars,
upon conviction before any justice of the peace residing within
Baltimore County.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That, for the purpose of
paying the interest and providing the sinking fund for the
bonds issued by the County Commissioners, as hereinafter
provided for the water supply, sewerage and drainage systems
to be constructed, purchased or established under this act,
the Commissioners are hereby empowered and directed to
establish a proper and reasonable charge for connection with
said water supply, sewerage and drainage systems go to be
constructed, purchased, or established as aforesaid, and to fix
an annual assessment on all properties, improved and unim-
proved, binding upon a street, road, lane, alley or right-of-
way in which a water main, sewer or drain has been built. The
said annual assessment shall be made upon the front foot
basis, and the first payment shall be collectible during the year
that the construction is started on the water supply, sewerage,
or drainage system, or in which the systems are purchased or
acquired. The Commissioners, for the purpose of assessing
benefits shall divide all properties fronting upon a street, lane,
or alley, in which a water pipe or sanitary sewer is to be laid,
into four classes, namely: First, Agricultural; Second, Small
Acreage; Third, Industrial or Business, and Fourth, Sub-
division property, and the benefit charges shall be fixed and
levied in accordance with the above classification, provided,
however, that no front foot benefit charge shall be levied against
any Agricultural property until such property is connected
with said water pipe or sanitary sewer, and provided, further,
that when connected, the length of Agricultural property to be
assessed shall be limited to 150 feet. The Commissioners shall
change the classification of properties, from time to time, as
said properties change in the uses to which they are put. The
Commissioners shall be empowered and directed to make a