presents himself to vote at the election which they have been
appointed to conduct under oath these questions: First—
Have you resided within the Town of North Brentwood for
a period of one year previous to this election? Second—Are
you qualified to vote in the elections of the State of Maryland
or any other State in the United States? And should the an-
swers of the applicant be in the affirmative to both questions,
then it shall be the duty of said Board of Elections Super-
visors to allow such applicant to cast his ballot, and should
the answer of the said applicant be in the negative to either
of the above questions, then and in that event he shall not be
allowed to vote. Should the applicant answer either one of
the above provided questions falsely he shall be guilty of the
crime of perjury and subject to the penalties provided by the
law of the State of Maryland. The judges shall provide them-
selves with a list of the registered voters living within the
boundaries of said town, as said list was constituted at the
general election of the State last preceding the town election
which they have been appointed to conduct. They shall also
prepare ballots containing the names of those persons who
have complied with the provisions herein specified making
them eligible to become a candidate for the office for which
they seek. The Mayor and Town Council shall receive all
returns of election and determine all questions arising there-
under, but any voter who feels that he has been aggrieved by
any ruling a? to the eligibility of his right to vote may file an
appeal to the Circuit Court for Prince George's County, and
the same shall be determined by said Court.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That any party desiring
to run for said Mayor, Treasurer and Councilman of said town
shall be at least 25 years of age, and shall have resided within
the corporate limits of said town at least two years prior to
election, and each of whom shall be assessed on the books of
said town of Prince George's County for at least $300. 00; and
any person desiring to run for said Mayor and Treasurer of
said town shall file with the Board of Supervisors, as provided
for in Section 7 of this Act, a petition containing the names
of at least 20 voters of the town of North Brentwood; and
any person desiring to run for Councilman from his ward
shall file a petition with said Board of Election Supervisor?
containing the names of at least 10 voters in his ward, within
fifteen days previous to the election; when said petitions have
been filed and the time for their filing having expired, the