the County Commissioners and said County Commissioners
shall include in their next annual levy a sum sufficient to meet
said expected deficiency, and shall pay said sum to the Board
of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund in as equal in-
stallments as may be on the first days of February, May,
August and November of the year for which the levy is made,
and the payments so made to the said Board of Trustees of the
Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County shall be used
and expended by said Board in paying said retired teachers
the amounts due them under this Act, and for no other pur-
Third. All money, property of any kind or securities that
may come into the hands of said Board of Trustees of the
Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County for the pur-
pose of said Teachers' Retirement Fund by gift, grant, devise,
bequest or otherwise.
Section 593. The Board of County School Commissioners
of Baltimore County or the Board of District Trustees of the
respective schools, or either of them, or both, as the case may
be, shall retire from regular duty, upon his or her own appli-
cation, any teacher who has been such for a period of twenty
years at the time such application is made and who is dis-
abled or incapacitated from performing regular duty; pro-
vided the Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund
of Baltimore County shall find such teacher so disabled or in-
capacitated after an examination, made by a physician ap-
pointed by said Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retire-
ment Fund of Baltimore County, the examination fee or
charge to be paid by the teacher examined, and the teacher so
retired, provided he or she shall be entitled to the advantages
of this Act under Sections 589 and 590 hereof, shall receive
for life a salary of as many thirtieths of that provided for by
Section 599, as he or she may have served years at the time of
such retirement, not exceeding, however, in any year an amount
equal to fifty per cent, of such teacher's average annual salary
for the five years immediately preceding retirement; and if the
Board of County School Commissioners of Baltimore County
or the Board of District Trustees of the respective schools, or
either of them, or both, as the case may be, shall deem any
teacher who has been such for a period of five years at the
time of the notices herein provided for are given to. the dis-
abled or incapacitated from performing regular duty, the said