said Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund of
Baltimore County shall receive, hold and keep account of all
moneys belonging to the Teachers' Retirement Fund; he shall
have the custody of all notes, bonds and other securities be-
longing to said Teachers' Retirement Fund and shall collect
the principal and interest of the same, but before assuming to
act as such the treasurer and/or fiscal agent shall furnish
bond in such penalty and with such surety or sureties as the
Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Balti-
more County may require, conditioned for the faithful per-
formance of the duties imposed upon him by this Act or that
may be assigned to him by the Board of Trustees of the
Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County and for the
faithful accounting of all moneys and securities, including
both principal and interest, which may come into his hands
and which belongs to the Teachers' Retirement Fund; said
treasurer and/or fiscal agent upon the expiration of his term
of office, shall account to said Board of Trustees of the Teach-
ers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County for all moneys,
notes, bonds and other securities coming into his hands and
for the interest, income, rentals, profits and proceeds of and
from the same, and he shall turn over to his successor all
moneys, notes, bonds and other securities belonging to said
fund. The secretary, assistant secretary and treasurer and/or
fiscal agent shall make a full, true and accurate account of their
offices whenever required so to do by the Board of Trustees of
the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County.
Section 591. All money, property of any kind or securities
that may come into the hands of the said Board of Trustees of
the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County under
the provisions of this Act or any amendments thereto shall
be known as the Teachers' Retirement Fund, and the said
Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Balti-
more County is hereby clothed with full and complete power
and exclusive control over said fund, and is hereby empowered
to have, demand, receive, hold, invest and reinvest the same
for the promotion of the purposes of said fund, which shall
consist of the following:
First. Assessment at the rate of two per centum per annum
upon the salary of each and every teacher liable therefor; and
the assistant county superintendent of public education of
Baltimore County shall prepare (excepting the months of
August and September) a monthly roll of assessments and