within the period of twelve calendar months from the date of
such sale the amount of the purchase money, all subsequent taxes
paid by the purchaser, and all Court costs, with interest thereon,
at the rate of twenty per centum per annum from date of sale,
and the date of the payment of such taxes and costs respec-
tively. After the expiration of said period of twelve calendar
months, provided the real estate has not been redeemed and the
sale finally ratified and confirmed by the Court the Town Treas-
urer then in office shall, at the expense of the purchaser by a
good and sufficient deed executed and acknowledged according
to law, convey to the purchaser or purchasers the parcel or
parcels of land sold by them respectively, and the deed of the
successor in office of the Treasurer who made the sale shall be
valid in law as though it had been executed and delivered by the
said last named Treasurer.
610-E. The Commissioners of Upper Marlboro may purchase
in their discretion any real estate for sale for the payment of
taxes, provided they shall not bid a sum greater approximately
than the taxes in arrears on said real estate and the interest and
expense of sale and costs and may sell and convey or lease the
same, as in their judgment and discretion shall be deemed best
for the interests of the town.
610-F. That the question whether or not said town tax shall
be authorized shall be submitted to the registered and qualified
voters of Upper Marlboro on the third Tuesday in June, nine-
teen hundred and twenty-four, at the election to be held therein,
and the Town Commissioners of said Town shall, at least ten
days previous to the day of said election, cause public notice
to be posted at the most public places within said town, and said
election shall be conducted in said town with written ballot by
said Town Commissioners with three judges and two clerks to
be appointed by them, and the result shall be announced and
published promptly in a newspaper in said town.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all Acts or parts of
Acts inconsistent herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed
to the extent of such inconsistently only.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect on June 1st, 1924.
Approved April 9, 1924.