Ponitel D., cab, mk., 333 s Charles
Donkmyer Theodore, baker, 661 Baltimore
Donlan Anthony, tailor, 75 Albemarle
Donley Ann, 330 n Howard
Donley Frances, 40 n Liberty
Donley Henry, sailor, 31 Rock
Donlin John, drayman, 45 s Frederick
Ponnell James, s w cor Lombard & Gay
Donnell John S. shipping mt., s w cor Lombard
& Gay, h corFrederick road & Baltimore st.,
Union Square
Donnell Messrs, merchants, Donell's building
cor Gay st., and Exchange Place
Donnell Wm., sw cor Lombard & Gay
Donnelly Ann, 330 n Howard
Donnelly Dan'1, bricklayer, Harmony lane
Donnelly Emily, 292 Canton avenue
Donnelly Hugh, dairy, 170 n High
Donnelly James, laborer, 174 Hughes
Donnelly James, laborer, 48 Biddle alley
Donnelly James, liq. merchant, 44 Lancaster
Donnelly James, weaver, 551 Saratoga
Donnelly James, 170 n Front
Donnelly John, blacksmith, 12 Foundry
Donnelly John, weaver, 302 Mulberry
Donnelly Joseph F., carpenter, 147 Penn. av
Donnelly Margaret, 184 Saratoga
Donnelly Matthew, offi. foundry, 3 Abbot
Donnelly Michael, 151 Canton avenue
Donnelly Owen, grocer and liquor dealer, 21
Donnelly Mary A., huckster, 322 n Howard
Donnelly Morris, shoemaker, 70 Hillen
Donnelly Patrick, grocer, 89 McElderry
Donnelly Rosanna, corset maker, 172 Lexingt'n
Donnenberger Isaac, tailor, 57 Chesnut
Donohue Ann, 12 Fish market
Donohue Cornelius, 181 n Exeter
Donnolson Edw', lieut. U. S. N. 231 Franklin
Donobue (Jno.) & King (Francis,) tobacconist,
124 Forest
Donohue James, laborer, 92 York avenue
Donohue Daniel, tailor, 17 French
Donohue James, drayman, 64 Davis
Donohue George, ship joiner, 162 Bank
Donohue Jas., ship joiner, 282 Eastern avenue,
shop Thames
Donohue (James) & Wagner (Lewis) ship
joiners, Wolf-st , h J. D. 271 s Wolf
Donohue John, fireman, 72 Bank lane
Donohue John H. (D. & King,) h 97 Ensor
Donohue Patrick, gas fitter, 165 York avenue
Donohue Patrick, drayman, 92 Mullikin
Donohue Patrick, 135 Vine
Donohue Patrick, 25 Stockton
DONOHUE RICHARD, shirt manufactory,
163 Baltimore, h 92 Center
Shirt Manufacturer,
Over Mr. Hartman's Clothing Establishment,
Nearly opposite Adams & Co. Express.
95 DOR
Donohue Thomas, blacks., Elliott-st., Canton
Donovan Clarissa, grocer, 185 Lexington
Dononan Dennis, laborer, 84 St. Paul
Donovan Hannah, 219 Chesnut
Donovan Dr. John C.. 82 Franklin
Donovan Joseph S., trader, 11 Camden
Donovan Simon, pedlar, 29 Carpenters' al
Donsee L.. 319 Lexington
Dorgan Gust. A., ship carp., 179 Bank
Dorbacker Adam, butcher, 91 s Fremont
Dorbacker Wm., sale stables, corner Pratt and
Paca, h 87 Columbia
Dorenberg John D., shoemaker, 151 Conway
Dorflin Jacob, tailor, 149 n Bond
Dorm Margaret, 34 Elizabeth
Dorman Eliza, 189 s Ann
Dorman Mary, 184 Sharp
Dorman Jane G., pr. Franklin Hotel, 2 e Pratt
Dorman Phil., tinner, 10 Fountain
Dorman John, 97 s Spring
Dorman Thomas, just, peace. 2 s Front, h 75 s
Dorme Charles, 19 Jew al
Dorn Philip, clerk, 32 Milliman
Dorn John, baker, 11 East
Dorn John, Boston st, e of Leakin
Dorn John A., tailor, 249 n, Howard
Dorney Peter, 174 n Eutaw
Dornberg Leander, cigar maker, 42 n Fred'k
Dorr Caspar, engraver and printer, 266 Han-
Dorr Wm., baker, 146 Bank
Dorrite Robt., painter, 40 s Bond
Dorrite Jane, 69 Happy al
Dorrity Wm., cooper. 21 Williamson al
Dorry Edward G., plumber, 18 Thames, h 58 s
Dorschel Wm., gro. and liq. deal., 44 Fell
Dorsey Amelia, 131 St. Paul
Dorsey Amelia, 60 Franklin
Dorsey Alex. W., druggist, 168 Franklin
Dorsey Caleb, coal dealer, Exchange Place, h
108 Sharp
Dorsey Catherine, milliner, 116 Saratoga
Dorsey Charles W., 36 Pleasant
Dorsey Chas., waiter, 193 n Fremont
Dorsey & Hoogewerff (Saml. E.,) merchandise
brokers, s e cor Exchange buildings
Dorsey Eliza, 107 Penn. av
Dorsey Elizabeth, 30 s Poppleton
Dorsey Geo. W., brickmaker, 101 s Wolf
Dorsey Horatio, barber, 64 Penn. av
Dorsey James, laborer, 135 North
Dorsey John, tailor, 26 Rock
Dorsey John, laborer, 34 Durham
Dorsey Jacob J. D., carp., 203 Orleans
Dorsey James L., grocer and com mt., Light-st
whf., h 90 s Paca
Dorsey John, laborer, 36 Albemarle
Dorsey John T., shoemaker, 70 n Fremont
Dorsey John, laborer, 168 s Greene
Dorsey Joseph J., stone cutter, 90 Pine
Dorsey Lloyd D., 107 s Paca
Dorsey Michael, grain and feed dealer, Light st
whf., h 181 s Charles
Dorsey Mich'l, gro. and liq. deal., 18 n Caroline
Dorsey Michael & Co., grain merchants, 112
Light st whf, h M. D., 173 Charles
Dorsey Rich. H., shoemaker, 65 Stirling, store
Dorsey Nathan, 52 Jefferson