Costolay Patrick J., (Gruver & C,) h Ross
Coston Alexander, carter, 272 Durham
Costrup John, 26 President
Cothlin Elizabeth, 106 Ross
Cotman Capt. Abraham, 44 Portland
Cotnett Albert, shoemaker, 516 Baltimore
Cots Daniel, tailor, 215 Alice Anna
Cotter Lawrence M., police, 53 Harrison
Cotter Richard, clerk, 252 n Howard
Cottlen Wm., barber, 13 s Liberty
Cottingham Saml., plough maker, 46 Warren
Cottingham Thos., blacksmith. 38 Grant, h 230
Cottman Capt. Abraham, 44 Portland
Cottman Jas.S., (Boggs C. & Co.) Waterloo
row, 172 Calvert
Cotton John A., barber, 5 n Howard
Cottrell Capt. Clark, pr. marine watering place
e end G. Hughes, h 16 Warren
Cottrell Jas. W., grocer, 298 n Eutaw
Cottrell Sarah, grocer, 270 Eutaw
Cottren John, china packer, 14 Lancaster
Cottringer Elizabeth, 85 Franklin
Cottwell Henry W., ship carp., 23 Hill
Cotzencline Wolf, dry goods deal., 129 s Frem't
Couflin Mary, 2 Rock
Coupman Frederick, 18 Haw
Coughlan Wm., bottler, 74 Eastern av
Coughlan Wm., grocer, 171 s Canal h 169
Coulburn Dr. Hervey, 1 Barnet
Coulburn Stephen, 374 Light
COULBURN STEPH. D., com. mt., 79 South,
h 23 Conway
Coulson Andrew, rigger, 220s Wolf
Coulson Geo., book keeper, 13 Watson
Coulson John, lab., 66 s Poppleton
Coulson John, Etting bet. Hoffman and Dolphin
Coulson Robt., varnisher, 59 n Poppleton
Coulson Thos. F., 86 Penn. av
Coulson Thos. H., book keeper, 82 e Pratt
Coulter Alex., teller Merchants Bank, 60 Biddle
COULTER & CO., provision dealers, 19 Com-
merce, h 446 w Fayette
Coulter Ann, 202 Aisquith
Coulter Dr. Henry S., 164 Biddle
Coulter John, laborer, 126 Dolphin
Coulter John, teacher, 341 Light
Coulter John P., collector, 138 n Charles
Coulter Leonidas, 28 EcElderry
Coulter Mary, seamstress, 3 Centre
Coulter Samuel, tailor, 113 n Eutaw
Couly William, 45 Center market
Councill Ruth T., 195 e Fayette
Counselman & Ewalt, tin dealers, 462 Baltimore
Counselman Frederick, tav keeper, 325 s Bond
Counselman Jacob, contractor, 135 German
Counselman (Wm. H.,) & Mold (Sam'1) pro'rs
liv stables, 3 n Paca, h W. H.C. 366 w Fayette
Counte Ann, 81 s High
Countess Jos., carter, 20 McHenry
Coupland Houston, blacksmith, cor Bowly and
Mill, h Eden near Bank
Coupp Martin, carpenter, 36 n Liberty
Couris William, painter, 277 s Wolf
Coursey Benj. F., shoemaker, 383 Cross
Court House, Baltimore City, cor Calvert and
Courteney David L., officer Farmers and Mer-
chants' Bank, 203 Franklin
Courtney Charles E. & J. A., (C. & Cushing,)
h 215 Madison avenue
80 COX
Courtney (En. S ,) & Cushing, (Chs. E.,) tobac
com merchants, 65 s Gay
Courtney Enoch S., h 189 n Howard
Courtney James, boiler maker, 51 s Wolf
Courtney John, carter, 215 e Monument
Courts Edward, machinist, 342 Franklin
Courts John, machinist, 302 Franklin
Courts James, 292 Fenn avenue
Courts George W., messenger custom house,
290 Pennsylvania avenue
Cousins John, oak cooper, 23 President, h 107
s Eden
Covey Lewis G., 68 Portland
Covington Ann, 62 Fawn
Covington Henry, carpenter, Grant near Lom-
bard, h 169 Aisquith
Cowan Mary, 125 Mulberry
Cowan Michael, watchman, 34 Jew alley
Cowan Darby, tailor, 194 Montgomery
Cowan Edward, laborer, 173 Chesnut
Cowan Thomas, proprietor hacks, 40 Bovd
COWAN THOMAS, mer tailor and clothier
157 Baltimore, h 51 Albemarle
Cowan Dr. Wm. L., surgeon dentist, 50 s High
COWAN WM. H., attorney at law, 8 Court
house lane, h 3 n Exeter
Cowan Wm. A., glass blower 118 Hugnes
Coward Ann, 82 Granby
Coward Wm., daguerreotypist, 19 e Baltimore
COWLES L. & W. S., coal dealers, w Fall ave-
nue, office 19½ South, h 289 w Madison
Cowell Jane, 45 Granby
Cowen Mrs., 149 Caroline
Cower Christian, 168 Register
Cowles Wesley & Son, china and glassware
dealers, 25 s Calvert, pottery cor eastern ave-
nue and Chester
Cowman Edward, book keeper, 144 s Paca
Cowing William, lawyer, office 8 Courthouse
Lane, h 138 e Monument
Cowman John, clerk, 102 Mulberry
Cowman Mary A , 191 w Lombard
Cowman Richard, police officer, 53 e Lombard
Cowman Samuel S., trim, deal., 71 Lexington
Cowpland William S., lottery office 39 w Pratt,
h 200 e Pratt
Cox Amos A., feed dealer, 226 Cathedral, h 45
Cox Charles, coach painter, 19 East
Cox Elias, shoemaker, 232, e Lombard
COX E. G. &. CO., Apothecary, 512 Balto
Cox, Esau, brickmaker, Chester, s of Bank
Cox George P., fancy store, Baltimore-st , h 58 s
Cox George, pr., lottery office, 49 Centre Market
Cox Henry, 7 Courtland
Cox Isaac, bricklayer, 47 Abbot
Cox Isaac, hat and cap maker, 190 Baltimore
Cox James, cigar maker, 115 Chew
Cox James, laborer, 33 Carpenters' alley
Cox James H., upholsterer and paper hanger
158 Baltimore, h 4 s Frederick
Cox John, confectioner, 348 Franklin
Cox John, yeast maker, 75 Jefferson
Cox John H., bricklayer, 318 Aisquith
Cox Maurice, boot fitter, 109 n Canal
Cox Marion, shoemaker, 268 n Gay
Cox Melchor, mason, 86 n Poppleton
Cox Michael, laborer, 70 North
Cox Nathaniel, attorney, 9 Courthouse lane, h
224 Franklin