Byrne Thomas, carpenter, 28 s Eutaw
Byrne Wm. H., book keeper, 181) Aisquith
Byrnes Daniel, carpenter. 247 n Gay
Byrnes Mary, dry goo Is deal., 247 n Gay
Byrnes Mary Ann, 136 Aisquith
Byrnes Wm., hardware dealer, Baltimore street,
h 32 McElderry
Byron Edward, blacksmith, 8 Henrietta
Byrot John, shoemaker, 33 Camden
Byus Jos. H., lime and feed dealer, 180 Light
street Wharf, h 123 Sharp
CABACH DANIEL, tailor, 178 Pearl
Cable George, cigar maker, 341 s Charles
Cable George S.. plasterer, 209 Madison
Cad Nelson, sailor, 96 Regester
Cachot Gabriel, cutler, 16 Abbot
Cadell Mary, 15 s Poppleton
Cadimore John, police officer. 239 s Ann
Cadle Benjamin, laborer, 217 Canton a v
Cadow James E., clerk, 37 Chatsworth
Cadwallader Abel, contractor, 60 Hamburg
Cadwallader Maria, 31 Regester
Cafley Richard, hatter, 131 Harford av
Caffrey Thomas, gro and liq. dealer, 360 w.
Caffrey Thomas, shoemaker, 95 n Canal
Cagle John, dry g. deal. Balt. st, house 110 n
Cahill John, carp. U. S. Navy, 342 e Pratt
Cahill John, machinist, 10 Armistead lane
Cahill Patrick, ins. customs, 171) Cathedral
Cahlan Corn., laborer, 11 Cuba st, Locust Pt.
Cain Bridget, 2 M e Lombard
Cain James, 225 Franklin
Cain James, carter, 248 Franklin
Cain Thomas T., gro. and liq. deal. 318 Alice
Cairns James, clerk, 379 Penn. ave
Calahan Caroline, 76 York
Calahan Corn,. Hull st. Locust Pt.
Calahan Daniel, huckster, 63 Watson
Calahan John, laborer, 7 Albemarle
Calbert Wm., boiler maker, 36 William
Cald Thomas, laborer, 22 Comet
Calder Robert, paper hanger, 38 s Caroline
Calder Rosanna, gro. and liq deal., 117 e av
Caldwell Catharine, 123 s Bond
Caldwell Daniel, mercht. tailor and dyer, 113
Caldwell Edwin, plane maker, 3 Mercer, dw
115 n Paca
Caldwell James A , chairmaker, 23 s Calvert
Caldwell John C., block and pump maker, 82 s
Caldwell Thomas, waiter, 5 Aisquith st court
Caldwell Wm. F., vinegar man. 105 e Lomb'd
Caldwell Wm. tailor, 111 Pine
CALDWELL WM.. Q., architect, 85 w Fayette
Cale L.. dentist, 231 n Canal
Caler Joseph, tailor, 38 Portland
Caley Lewis, blks., 553 Saratoga
Calfmead Conrad, 274 Alice Anna
Calendar Wm., plasterer, 100 Aisquith
Calhoon Benj. C., officer bank Balt., house 338
w Fayette
Calhoon Charles, silver smith, 38 Constitution
Calhoun Michael, hackman, 125 Dove
Calhoun Peter, blks., 134 Garden
Call Frederick, 232 Carpenters' al
Call Henry, shoemaker, 43 China al
Call John, shoemaker, 26 Sarah Ann
62 CAM
Call Patrick, Bell al
Callahan Charles, plasterer, 5 Rose
Callahan Jeremiah, (Bilson & Co.) 228 n How'd
Callahan Wm., 62 Union
Callahoon Henry, blks. 7 Tessier
Callan Francis, laborer, 33 Eastern av
Callans John, dour and feed deal., 4 York av
Callclasher John, confec., 168 Ramsay
Callerton Wm.. 79 York
Callis George R. bricklayer, Aisquith
Callis James, carp., 42 s Caroline
Callis James H. carp., 6 Regester
Callow John, tailor, 5 Wyeth
Callumba Reb. 242 Light
Calmouth John, tailor, 115 Register
Calnan George, tailor, 212 Madison
Calnan Thomas, laborer, 43 Bethel
Caltrider John, ink manuf. 41 n Fremont
Calvert Station Susquehanna depot, n e corner
Franklin and Calvert
Calvert Wm. pattern maker. 116 n Caroline
Calvert Wm. boiler maker, 36 William
Calvin John, blks. 1 s Canal
Calwell Charles, milk dealer, 21 e Chase
Calwell Elijah, milk dealer, 21 Chase
Calwell J. K. (C. Norris & Co.,) 80 Lee
Calwell Wm. vinegar man. 140 s Frederick, h
105 e Lombard
Cambridge Wm., 15 Guilford al
Cunby Thomas of tobacco ware's. 26 Warner
Camddy Wm, laborer, 27 n Schroeder
Cameron Hugh tailor, 95 n Exeter
Cameron James, clerk, 107 s Greene
Cameron Joseph, mate. 348 Canton av
Cameron Rachel, 71 Ensor
Cametzell George, butcher, 22 Fell
Cammens George, laborer, 37 s Front
Camnart Wm. laborer, Chesapeake street s of
Camp Martin, laborer, 166s Dallas
Campbell Adam, 412 Lexington
Campbell Adam. gro. and conf. 559 Balt.
Campbell Ann, 35 s Frederick
CAMPBELL ARCHIBALD, silver plater &
saddlery dealer, 21 and 23 Light, dw. 340 w
Coach and Saddlery
Silver Plating Manufactory,
Manufactures to order and keeps constantly
on band, Carriage and Harness Mounting of
every description; also Coach and Leather Var-
nishes of superior quality, at manufacturers
Campbell A. blacksmith, 3 Lovely lane
CAMPBELL B. M. &W. L.. traders, office 284
w Pratt. dw. do.
Campbell Bernard, huckster, 53 Mont.