Bernhard Charles, 243 Carpenters' al
Bernon John, shoemaker, 718 Baltimore
Berry Capt. Charles A. 73 Broadway
Berry Ed ward, police, 26 Lancaster
Berry George, W. carpenter, 210 Aisquith
Berry George R. brickmaker, 105 Sharp
Berry Horatio, carpenter, 110 German
Berry Jas. W. grocer, 28 s Fred'ck, h 103 Sharp
Berry James, Ellicott st. Canton
Berry Jasper, lumber merchant. 2 s Greene
Berry John, tailor, 124 Spring
Berry John, (Miller &. B.) 41 Fremont
Berry John S. (Hurst & B.) 22 s Greene
Berry John, 152 Sharp
Berry John & Thomas L. fire proof brickmakers
294 Montgomery
Berry John, carpenter, 112 German
Berry Lewis, laborer, 22 Lancaster
Berry Mary, 888 Baltimore
Berry Michael, watchman, 375 n Gay
BERRY N. E. tobacro, grain and produce com-
mission merchant, 8 Bowly's whf. h 99 Camden
Berry Peter, laborer, 21 Park
Berry Robert D. grocer, 108 Aisquith
Berry & Stinchcomb, lumb. mts, 402 w Pratt
Berry Thomas, fire brick maker, cor Sharp and
Montgomery, h country
BERRY WALTER W. commission merchant
46 s Gay, h 63 Lee
Berry Wm. grocer, 6 s Poppleton
Berry Wm. peddler, 335 Light
Berry Wm. H. grocer & liq. deal. 65 Camden
Berryman Jas. grocer &, liq. deal., 18 Sterrett
Bersch Henry, rner tailor, s w cor Fay'te & High
Bershers Mrs. 60 n Canal
Bertholf James H., butter dealer, 17 n Eden
Berthy Patrick, ship carp. 229 Hanover
Bertlein John, cooper, 22 Block
Bertnar Fredk. carp. 149 Franklin
Bertrand John, shoemaker, 10 French
Besse Daniel W. currier. 528 Penna avenue
Bessix Peter, laborer, 550 w Pratt
Best Elizabeth, 9 Lovely lane
Best Rev. Ezekiel, 45 s Broadway
Best John, grocer, 145 s Exeter
Bestor John R. book-keeper, 191 Lee
Beswick Capt. Benjamin W. 120 Bank
Bethel James, 184 Alice Anna
Betner Fredk. tanner. 388 Penna. av
Betschler Adam, 244 s Charles
Betschler Martin, 244 s Charles
Betton Ellen, 247 Conway
Betton Harriet, 282 s Bond
Betton Thomas, shirt mannfr. 179 w Baltimore
Betts Alexander P. sail maker, 129 McElderry's
whf. h 79 Caroline
Betts Araminta, deceased, 28 St. Paul
Betts Edward. (Knabe, Gaehle & Co.,) h 95 Lee
Betts Henry T. 26 McElderry
Betts John, millwright, 366 w Lombard
Betts (Sol.) & Kenly, (Geo. T.) grain & prod
com. mts. 8 Bowly's whf.
Betts Robert, carpenter, 37 Jackson
Betts Sol. (B. & Kenly) h 140 s sharp
Betts William, printer, 70 e Lombard
Betts William, baker, 19 Sterling
Belts William E. prov. deal. 114 s Ann, h 116
Betz Henry, blacksmith, 58 Chatsworth, h 50
Betz John, shoemaker. 147 w Fayette
Betz John, cabinet maker, 171 Regester
Betzel Joseph, grocer, 194 Canton av
45 BIG
Beufort Melville P. (O Leary & B.) 137 s Eden
Bevan Chas. F. (B. & Sons,) 285 n Howard
Bevan George, dry goods mt. 514 Baltimore
Bevan John, (J. Crosby & Son) 219 w Lombard
Bevan Joseph, watchmaker, 60 n High
Bevan Samuel, (B. & Co.) 12D Park
BEVAN SAMUEL & CO, importers & jobbers
in English, French, & German dry goods,
279 Baltimore
Bevan & Sons, marble workers, s e cor Charles
and Monument
Bevan Thos. copper smelter, Cotton factory row
Bevan Thos. H. (B. & Sons,) h 147 Biddle
Bevan Capt. Thomas, 139 e Pratt
Bevans David, furniture wagoner, 121 n Paca
BEVANS JAMES H. attorney, 5 Courtland
Bevans Reuben A. L. cab. mak. 281 e Balt
Bevans Sarah Ann, 57 Lancaster
Beveridge Oliver, wire worker, 180 n High
Beverly Capt. Benj. A. 110 s Wolf
Bew Joseph, laborer, Elliot st Canton
Beyer Fred. tailor, 103 w Baltimore
Beyer John, shoemaker, 9 & 11 w Baltimore
Bezeil Sebastian, hatter, 17 Buren
Beziet Francis, finisher, 349 Columbia
Bialla Moretz, dry goods & French millinery
mt , 23 n Howard
Bibb Bently C. (Robbins & B.) h 23 Fawn
Bibbins Bridget, 12 Fish market
Bible & Tract depository, next 77 w Fayette
Bick Henrv, glazier, 55 McElderry
Bickany Wm. vinegar maker, 271 n Howard
Bicker John, tinner. 166 s Bond
Bickerstaff James, cellar digger, GO Richmond
Bickil Joseph, laborer, 23 s Wolf
Bickham J. A. 312 w Lombard
Bickley Samuel, shoemaker, 15 e Lombard
Bidden Wm. stone cutter, 93 Biddle
Biddingham Saml. painter, 21 Bevan al
Biddings Perry, 4 Tripolett's al
Biddings —— fruiter, Charles, h 219 w Lomb'd
Biddison Calherine, 128 Chesnut
Biddison James A. plasterer, 211 Orleans
Biddle Joseph, fisher, 3 Livery al
Biddle Peregrine, master carp. B. & O. R. R., h
99 Hollins
Biddle Samuel 57 Scott
Bidemon John. 238 n Canal
Bidster Joseph, laborer, 79 Chappel
Bieks Francis, painter, 79 McHenry
Bier Christ, 1 s Poppleton
Bier George, confectioner, 234 Barre
Bier Jacob, pres. Marine Bank, 25 s Gay cor of
Bier John, paver, 49 Constitution
Bierbower Lemuel, 100 Lee
Biester Frank, 85 Lancaster
Biele Adolph, druggisl, 218s Bond
Bigarman John, drayman, 154s Bond
Biggermnn John, laborer, 00 Lancaster
Biggert David, carpenter, 5 Hampstead
Biggins Wm. H. boot maker, 284 n Gay
Biggs Jane, grocer, 102 s Bond
Biggs James, butcher, 130 n Bond
Biggs John A. butcher, 121 Mullikin
Bisgs Joseph, watchman. 90 n Eden
Bigham Elizabeth, 75 n Paca
BIGHAM JOHN, grocer, n w cor Eutaw and
Franklin, h 77 n Paca
Bigham Jno, prod, com mt, 151 Howard, h Paca