From J. E. Marsh, M. D., Kent Co., Md.
"I have made free use of your Diarrhoea Cordial in
my family. It gives me much pleasure to add my tes-
timony to that of others in favor of its efficiency."
From Sam'l Martindale, M. D., Chesapeake City, Md
"I have much pleasure in adding my testimony in fa-
vor of your valuable Cherry Expectorant. I have, after
an extensive use, found it to answer all my expectations."
From Dr. Daniel W. Jones, Somerset Co., Md.
''I have given your Expectorant and Diarrhoea Cor-
dial a fair trial, and am delighted with their effects,
never having had them to fail in a single instance. I
shall take pleasure in recommending them.
We have been favored with a written certificate,
cheerfully given by numerous medical gentlemen in
Maryland, Virginia and Ohio, which alone should con-
vince the most doubting, that these are really 'Good
Medicines;' after stating that they are acquainted with
the composition of both the Expectorant and Cordial,
and that they have administered them to their patients,
they testify "that they are remedies of great value, safe,
efficient and well worthy of the patronage of the Profes-
sion and the public, that they are more reliable than
any other proprietary medicines with which we are ac-
quainted," &c.
Sixteen of the best Apothecaries and Pharmaceutists
in the City of Baltimore, write, "We are satisfied these
preparations are medicines of great value and very effi-
cient for the relief and cure of the diseases for which
they are recommended, and we take pleasure in recom-
mending them."
Thirty-six of the most respectable Merchants, resi-
dents of Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina, who
have sold and also used these medicines themselves,
say, "We have never known any remedies used for the
diseases for which they are prescribed, to be so efficient
and to give such entire satisfaction to all."
The above notices of recommendation from members
of the Medical Faculty, Pharmaceutists of high stand-
ing and Merchants of the first respectability, should be
sufficient to satisfy all, that these medicines are
worthy of trial by tbe afflicted, and that they are
of a different stamp and class from the "Quackery"
and ''Cure-Alls" so much imposed upon the public.
See the descriptive Pamphlets, to be had gratis of all
who have the medicines for sale, containing recom-
mendations from Doctors Martin, Baltzell, Addison,
Payne, Handy, Love, &c.
Prepared from a Recipe invented by Dr. JOHN CHAPMAN, a member of the ROYAL COL-
MANY (perhaps one-half) of the diseases from which children suffer, are occasioned
by the presence of worms in the system, and if neglected give rise to the most uncomforta-
ble and irritating feelings, violent pains, sickness at the stomach, emaciation, and frequently
to vomiting. This Medicine is an efficient, safe and pleasant remedy for their extermina-
tion; it contains all the virtues of the most approved vermifuges, and although it has been
used by many thousands, and has been before the public for several years, it has NEVER
This most excellent Medicine has made its way into favor by its merits alone, unaided
by advertisements or certificates of cures, (many thousands of which could be obtained,)
yet it is deemed not inappropriate to print the following strong and convincing testimony
from respectable Merchants who have kept it for sale.
"The subscribers, Merchants and Dealers, take pleasure in recommending to the pub-
lic confidence, Stabler's Dr. Chapman's Worm Mixture, prepared by E. H. Stabler & Co.,
of Baltimore. We having, for several years past, kept this valuable Medicine for sale, and
also used it in our own families, do, from our own knowledge of its admirable effects, backed
by the universal commendations of the great number of our customers, who have given it
trial, believe it a specific for worms in children ;—we have never known it to fail, in a single
instance, to relieve the little sufferers from that disease."
GEORGE M. CARTER, Oak Grove, Westmorland
Co., Va.
EDWARD J. TUNE, Kinsale, Westm'ld Co., Va.
WM. S. WOOD, Drug't, Waterf'd, Loud'n, Co. Va.
HENRY KENNERLY, Quantico, Somerset Co., Md.;
CHANDLER & JACKSON, Rice's Store, Westmore-
land Co., Va.
WM. H. GARNER & Co. Milestown, St. Mary's, Md.
R. L. BURGH, Bryantown, Charles Co., Md.
and numerous others. Price 25 Cts. a Bottle.
Proprietor of the above Medicines & Wholcsale Druggists, Baltimore, Md.
The above named Valuable Medicines may be had of the principal Druggists and Apoth-
caries in this City, and sold wholesale by the principal Druggists in Boston, New York, Phila-
delphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Wheeling, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Memphis, New Or-
leans, Mobile, Savannah, Charleston, Richmond, and other large places.