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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 408   View pdf image (33K)
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Lemmons Jno. Adaline, 8 n Spring
Leonard Robt. 239 Hamburg
Leshey Lewis, 788 Pennsylvania av
Lesley Geo. huckster, 137 Hill
Levi Matilda, 15 Union at
Lewin Ann, 88 Guilford al
Lewis Andrew, blacksmith, 54 Peirce
Lewis Castile, 394 n Gay
Lewis Chas. 120 Tyson
Lewis Chas. carter, 29 Register
Lewis Elijah, laborer, 14 Union al
Lewis Francis, porter, 102 Tyson
Lewis Harriet, 27 Williamson al
Lewis Henry, laborer, 9 Chesnut al
Lewis John, laborer, 46 Moore al
Lewis Jno. laborer, 69 Jasper
Lewis Jno. cook steamboat, 3 Edward
Lewis Lydia Ann, washer, 83 Park
Lewis Mary, 52 Sarah Ann
Lewis Mary, 181 Bethel
Lewis Melvina, 201 Eastern av
Lewis Peter, laborer, 19 Spruce
Lewis Richd. 1 Clayton's al between Hughes
and Montgomery e Charles
Liaus Daniel, tanner, 99 Moore's al
Lillet Jno. laborer, 6 Kipp's al near Doug-
lass st
Lilly Peter, Cannon st. Canton
Limberry Thompson, carriage driver, 48
Chesnut al
Limberry Washington, porter, 32 n Spring
Limiricks Robt. whip sawyer, 157 Durham
Lindberger Jno. brickmaker, 36 Wayne
Lindsey Jno. 32 Durham
Lingan Isaiah, 55 L. Monument
Lingums David, wagoner, 138 Low
Linkin Elizabeth, 82 Park
Linn David, blacksmith, 98 Orchard
Liston Arthur, laborer, 21 Butler
Little Ann, 44 s Dallas
Little Richd. mariner, 51 Dallas
Lloyd Henrietta, 2 s Dallas
Lloyd Josiah, cooper, 90 Henrietta
Lloyd Thos. sailor, 1 Philpot al
Lober Jno. 108 North
Lockerman Danl. laborer, 125 Low
Locket Wm. blacksmith, 126 Dallas
Lockhart Wm. laborer, 131 Hill
Lockman Jno. 19 Philpot al
Locks Jno. caulker, 152 Bethel
Locks Ellen, 135 Bethel
Locks Mrs. 122 Dallas
Locks Richd. 28 Bethel
Locks Stephen, 167 s Dallas
Lodge Moses, 97 Bethel
Lodge Richd. drayman, 29 Forrest
Logan Hanson, 16 Boyd
Logan Mary, 56 Peirce
Logue Chas. 140 York
Logy Mary A. 33 Dover
Lokins Ann, 14 Jordan al
Lokins Jas. 14 State
Lomax David, caulker, 173 s Dallas
Lomax Jas. caulker, 162 s Dallas

370 MAG

Lomax Jno. sailor, 188 s Caroline
Lomax Mary, 198 Canton av
Lonar Thos. 42 Dover
Long David, porier, 149 York
Long Henry, laborer, 74 Jasper
Long Josiah, cooper, 90 Henrietta
Loumoine Louisa, conlectioner, 56 Bank
Love Dinah, 57 Clay
Loveday Perry, drayman, 125 Welcome ai
Lovely Henry E. cigar maker, 9 Chesnut
Low Jno. waiter, 29 Biddle al
Lowden Levi, caulker, 13 Spruce
Lowe Elizabeth, 46 Burgundy al
Lowe Mary, South lane, n fm Barre st neat
Lows Ann, 104 Sarah Ann
Loyd Wm. caulker, 180 Bethel
Loyls Jno. carter, 7 n Spring
Lucas Charlotte, 103 Welcome al
Lucas Eliza, 53 Park
Lucas Joshua, laborer, 366 Cross st
Lucy Emanuel sailor, 16 Bethel
Lumar Jno. 50 Moore al
Lums Wm. carter, 74 Holland
Lyles Jeremiah, drayman, 101 East
Lyles Richd. brickmaker, 60 Dover
Lymas Chas. waiter, 77 East
Lynch Abraham, 8 Boyd
Mack Wm. carter, 99 Raborg
Macken Mary, 5 s Greene
Mackey Aaron, 12 Vine
Mackey Rose, 109 Gardener
Mackray Wm. caulker, 168 Eastern av
McCabe Theodore, carter, 110 Happy al
McCabe Solomon, barber, 178 w Pratt, h
125 St Paul
McCannon Minty, 69 French
McCarty Elijah, 24 L. Monument
McClure Mary Ann, 63 Orchard
McComas Tiny, 116 Jasper
McComas, Maria, 196 n Exeter
McCorney Jno. 42 n Sharp
McCoy Jas. stevadore, 5 Edward st
McDonald Jno. laborer, 35 Good man's al
McDonald Julia, 69 East
McGill Harriet, 68 Burgundy al
McGill Josiah, laborer, 13 Haw
McGlaughlin Ellen, 130 Bethel
McGree, Mary, 110 n High
McKenny Dennis, waiter, 12 Peirce
McKenny Geo. laborer, 56 Vine
McKenny Robt. 136 s Caroline
McKim, Jno. whitewasher, 11 Pine al
McPherson, Alex. cabinet maker, 32 Park
McQuay Elizabeth, 199 Mullikin
Madden Peter, drayman, 54 Vine
Maddox Chas. 317 s Howard
Maddox Geo. laborer, 120 Welcome al
Maddox Hannah, washer, 33 Raborg
Maddox Henry, laborer, 10 Jasper
Maddox Joseph, 259 Hughes
Maddox Spencer, laborer, 45 Burgundy
Maddox Wm. laborer, 49 Burgundy
Maggs Sophia, 94 Chesnut al

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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 408   View pdf image (33K)
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