Winkelman Casper, tailor, 143 e Pratt
Winkleman Henry, gro. and liq., deal., 30 Scott
Winkleman Henry, box maker, 43 Perry
Winkleman John & Co., box makers, 15 Grant
h 12 State
Winkleman John, watchman, 287 Hamburg
Winkleman John, gro. and liq. dealer, 12 State
Winkleman John H., shoemaker, 135 Camden
Winkler Bartholomew, tobacconist, 51 s Charles
Winks Robt., block and pump mkr., 165 s Wolf
Winks John pilot, 89 Washington
Winks Christopher, watch and clock maker, 228
w Pratt
Winn John W., hatter, 354 Montgomery
Winn Thomas, laborer, 165 York avenue
Winn Wm., grocer, 152 Franklin, h 156
Winneberger Mrs. Jane, ladies' physician, 1
New Church
Winslow Frederick, machinist, 161 Chapel
Winslow Dr. John R., 143 Biddle
Winson Eliza, 243 Light
Winson Thomas, shoemaker, 162 e Lombard
Winstar Martin, laborer, 287 s Wolf
Winston Alexander, 91 Stiles
Wint Nichs , cooper, 146 Columbia
Wintage Capt. Thomas T., 100 s Bond
Winter Francis D., druggist, 44 Aisquith
Winter Francis, machinist, 578 Baltimore
Winter Frederick, shoemaker, 120 s Bond
Winter George, tailor, 94 Biddle
Winter Henry, com. mt., 62 Buchanan's wharf
Winter Henry, cap maker, 578 w Baltimore
Winter Henry, tailor, 16 s Exeter
Winter John, tailor, 133 Baborg
Winter Lawrence, shoemaker, 467 Baltimore
Winter Mary, 281 Lexington
Winter Samuel H. & Sons,carpenters, 182 Ham-
burg, h 234 Hanover
Winterbottom Thomas, ship carp., 6 s Bond
Winterling John, harness maker, 414 Canton
Winterling Julius, paper box mkr., 103 w Balto
Wintern Fred'k, salter beef hides, 154 Harf. av
Winternight Henrv, marble cutter, 61 n Gay, h
153 East
Cor. Gay and Frederick Sts.
Tombs, Monuments, Grave Stones, and every
description of Housework executed.
All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to.
Winters John, book binder, 10 Regester
Wintkle Washington, collector, 15 Albemarle
Wintkle Washington, gunsmith, 97 Baltimore
Winzel Jokn, shoemaker, 192 Pearl
Winzel Charles, 591 Saratoga
372 WIS
Wirennore Jacob, butcher, 51 Hill
Wirith Jacob, clerk, 169 n Paca
Wirt Aaron, butcher, 261 York avenue
Wirt John, butcher, 261 York avenue
Wirth George, gro. and liq. deal., 95 n Fremont
Wirth Peter, F., tailor, 398 Saratoga
Wirts Ellen, 164 s Greene
Wirts Michael, carver and gilder, 586 Baltimore
Wirts George, drayman, 109 William
Wise Andrew B., clothier, cor. Market Space
and Second St., h 8 Exeter
Wise Barbara, 569 w Lombard
Wise Charles, rigger, 271 Alice Anna
Wise David, cooper, 36 Hampstead
Wise Edward M., h 168 n Howard
Wise Elizabeth, 37 Pearl
Wise Henry, 113 s Ann
Wise Henry, paver, 736 Baltimore
Wise John, carter, 16 St. Peter
Wise John, 49 Chatsworth
Wise John J. & Co., piano makers, 31 Hanover,
h 414 Lexington
Wise John, (Shelle & W.,) Chesnut
Wise John, laborer, 55 Bank
Wise John, piano maker, 221 Hanover
Wise John, comb maker, 45 French
Wise Lipman E., clothier, 240 s Ann
Wise Louis, 448 w Pearl
Wise McKeil F., (Jno. J. W. & Bro.) h 192 Sar-
atoga street
WISE TULLY R., edge tool maker, 28 Con-
cord, h 295 e Lombard
Manufacturer of all kinds of
Sold Wholesale and Retail,
No. 28 Concord Street,
First door North of Pratt Street,
Also Repairing of every description at mode-
rate prices.
Wise. Wm. G., carpenter, 114 Dolphin
Wisebaugh Benjamin, bricklayer, 83 McElderry
Wisebaugh Wm., brakesman, B. & O. R. R., 73
Wiseman Ann M., 33 n Frederick
Wiseman Chas., apoth. and drug., 557 Balt
Wiseman Elizabeth, 15 Jasper
Wiseman Francis, cooper, 267 Eastern avenue
Wiseman Henry, shoemaker, 33 Spring
Wiseman Jacob gardener, 179 Carpenters' al
Wisemiller Lewis, shoemaker, 68 Camden
Wisenberger Louis, grocer, 78 s Spring
Wisennore Jacob, butcher, 51 Hill
Wisepricker John, tailor, 3 Diamond
Wishman Aaron, sailor, 316 Alice Anna
Wiskey Charles, 221 Light
Wisling Aug., tanner, 120 Eislen
WISONG WM. A.,daguerreotypists' depot and
artists' paints, oil and glass dealer, 2 n Liberty,
h 258 n Howard. See card next page