Watts Keziah, 199 Forest
Walts Kinsey, mason, 293 Franklin
Watts Peter A., clerk, 61 Caroline
Watt Reverdy H., painter, 61 Lee
Watts Capt. Richard C., mariner, 102 Caroline
Watts Richard H., brickmaker, 221 Conway
Watts Thomas J., brass founder, 392 n Gay
Watts Wm. W., painter and paint dealer, 45
w Baltimore, h 413 w Lombard
Watts William, coachsmith, 122 Orleans
Wattsman Conrad, laborer, 200 Canton avenue
Waugh Rev. Beverly, bishop M. E. Church, h 22
s Greene
WAUGH DR. J. W., M. D. and apothecay, 160
s Exeter
Waugh Thoms, varnisher, 198 n Gay
Waugher John, carter, 105 Stirling
Waumbeck Michael, furnace man, Cambridge
Waunraug John, tinner, 131 Camden
Waver John, laborer, 172 s Wolf
Waverley Club House, 36 Saratoga
Way George W., plasterer, 53 Portland
Way Phebe M , M. D., 140 Lexington
Wayland Daniel, saddler, 125 Raborg
Wayland John, laborer, 189 Bethel
Wayland Luke, 143 Alice Anna
Wayland Thomas, machinist, 254 Canton av
Wayland Wesley, 63 s Oregon
Wayland Andrew, 552 w Pratt
Wayland Pat., 67 Boyd
Wayland Stephen, shoemaker, 118 Holland
Wayland William, 125 North
Wayman Rev. Alexander, 278 s Howard
Wayne Lewis, dyer, 7 Jackson's court
Wayner Henry, shoemaker, 200 Conway
Ways Victoria, 34 s Schroeder
Wayson Andrew F., florist, 125 Harford av
Wayson Dr. George W. 170 Aisquith
Wayson Thomas, mariner, 217 s Ann
Waxstaff John, mason, Clinton st near Boston
Weake John, carpet weaver, 46 n Spring
Weakend Henry, teacher, 88 n Front
Weakman John, tailor, 16 Hampstead
Weaner John, laborer, 23 Dallas
Wealthy Val., Lancaster, e of Boston
Weanhart Christain, 176 Regester
Weamert Adam, wheelwright, 395 s Charles
WEATHERBY JER. & CO., stove and hot air
furnace deal., 40 Light, h J. W. 66 Columbia
See card next page.
Weathers Jos,, public weigher, h 59 s Caroline
Weathers Jos., lime and feed store, 159 n Gay
Weatley Thomas, boot maker, 301 e Madison
Weaver Boldasser, laborer, 267 s Dallas
Weaver Catharine, 315 Light
Weaver Charles, blacksmith, 9 Eutaw court
Weaver Daniel, blacksmith, 64 s Howard, h
517 w Lombard
Weaver Daniel, collector, 228 e Pratt
Weaver Dedrick C., painter, 124 n Eutaw
Weaver Elizabeth, 298 Lexington
Weaver Frederick, shoemaker, 208 Light
Weaver Frederick, tavern, 5 Frederick
Weaver George, tailor, 3 Park
Weaver George, carter, 465 Light
Weaver Har. D., shoemaker, 72 Camden
Weaver Henry, varnisher, 255 s Paca
Weaver Jacob, cabinet maker, 21 Ross
Weaver Jacob, wheelwright, 161 Lee, h 163
Weaver James, 418 w Baltimore
Weaver John, finisher, 26 Boyd
357 WEB
Weaver John, laborer, 240 Biddle
Weaver John, laborer, 502 Penn. avenue
Weaver John, sign painter, 19 Pearl
Weaver John A. tailor, 18 Josephine
Weaver John, 277 n Eutaw
Weaver John, tailor, 35 s Poppleton
Weaver John W., property agent and collector,
62 n Front
Weaver John H., undertaker and cabinet maker,
22 Fayette
WEAVER LEVI, paper box man, 216 Balt, h
121 Lexington
Weaver Lewis, currier, 209 s Charles
Weaver Peter, baker, 564 w Lombard
Weaver Wm. H., butcher, 616 Light
Weaver Wm. H., painter, 43 s Caroline
Weaver Wm., painter, 287 Saratoga
Webb Abner, 48 n Greene
Webb August. T., grocer and feather dealer,
corner Lexington and Paca, h 49 Pearl
Webb Alanson, feed and lime mer., 116 n How-
ard, h 244 n Howard
Webb Albert T., (Elder & Webb,) 217 west
Lombard, h A. L. W. w Lombard
candle manufacturers, 136 Ensor
Candle Manufacturers
NO. 136 ENSOR,
Corner of Chew street,
Offer for sale Soap, Candles, Tallow, &c., On
the most pleasing terms.
Tallow wanted the highest market price
Webb Charles, (C. & Jas. W. & Co.) h 234 Ais-
quith st
Webb Clarissa, 155 Ensor
Webb Francis A., 101 e Pratt
Webb George, dry goods dealer, Baltimore st, h
213 w Lombard
Webb Geo. F., ( VV. fe Hopper,) 213 w Lombard
WEBB GEORGE W., goldsmith and jeweler,
227 w Balt., h 142 Park. See card next page
Webb Gustavus, confectioner, 104 Light st whf.
Webb Henry W., com. mer., corner Pratt and
Howard, h 143 s Paca
Webb Henry A. & Co., tobacconists, 14 n How-
ard, h H. A. W. 313 Mulberry
WEBB (Geo. F.) & HOPPER, (Saml. W. P.)
wholesale and retail dealers in dry goods, 219
Webb Jacob, huckster, 135 s Fremont
Webb James, (Chas. & J. W. & Co.,) 144 Ensor
Webb James, millwright, 158 Gough
Webb John, engineer, 95 s Poppleton
Webb John. 32 Eden