Front street, between Gay & Hillen,
Adjoining the Bull's Head Tavern.
DR. THORNE does not wish to enter into any detail of where he has been, or what he
can do; but for the benefit of those who may be unacquainted with his character as a Ve-
terinary Surgeon, he would simply say, that he commenced his professional career in an
English establishment, at the age of sixteen and remained till twenty. Then coming to
this country he studied with his late brother in this city, and after having visited several
Veterinary establishments in New York and Philadelphia, he at length settled in the latter
city. After an extensive practice of three years, he came to Baltimore in 1845, and has
carried on an extensive and well known practice in this city, during which time he studied
human medicine, which has aided him in the Veterinary Art.
Being thankful for past patronage, he would still ask for a continuation of that practice,
on the grounds of ability and moderation. He claims to be able to apply the most energetic
and successful remedies, on the grounds of being an accurate observer of the trains of mor-
bid phenomena in Horses; aided as he is by the lights of human and comparative anatomy
and physiology. And he is determined that none shall exceed him in moderation, as he is
not under heavy expenses.
He is happy to announce that his accommodations are second to none, as in the erection
of his Infirmary, his sole aim was convenience, facility and ventilation. His box stalls and
wards for Sick and Lame Horses, are the best in the city. Horses can be exercised off the
pavement and unexposed to public view.
P. S. Those wishing to avoid expense, can obtain medicine and advice on moderate
terms before 9 o'clock A. M.
Cases can be admitted at all hours, as the hostler lives on the premises.