Simms Joseph, 60 Conwav
SIMMS (Wm.) & LITTLE, grocers and com-
mission merchants, 45 w Pratt
Simms Thomas, 79 Stirling
Simms Wm , (S. & Little,) h 56 Aisquith
Simms Mary, 27 Holliday
Simmum George, machinist, 192 Columbia
Simon Adolphus J. L., dry goods dealer, h 84
Simon Arthur, 217 Light
Simon Chas., dry goods mer., 63 n Howard
Simon Elias, 2d hand. furn. deal., 36 Harrison
Simon Herman, dry goods mer., 164 Lexington
Simon John, tailor, 222 Eager
SIMON MATTHEW, hotel keeper, 28 & 30 w
Simon Philip carpet weaver, 220 Chesnut
Simon John Adams, tailor, 220 Eager
Simon Theodore, 344 w Pratt
Simon William, blacksmith, 233 Canton av
Simonds Thomas, fan maker, 300 e Lombard
Simons Isaac, real estate agent, 22 Second
Simonson Joseph, chair maker, 20 Warner
Simpkins Benj., foreman foundry, Windsor st,
Simpson Achilles, clerk, 80 George
Simpson Andrew, tailor, 241 e Fayette
Simpson Benj. L., h 8 Gough
Simpson Eliz., boarding house, 226 s Ann
Simpson George, carpenter, 110 n Schroeder
Simpson Geo ge, rigger, 193 s Ann
Simpson Horace R., shoemaker, 53 Orleans
Simpson Ann, 202 n Exeter
Simpson Ann. 50 Cross
Simpson Eliza, 74 Gran by
Simpson Jas. F., harn. maker, 132 Lombard
Simpson James T. & Benjamin L., ship joiners,
19 Philpot, h J. T. S. 56 Fawn
Simpson John Retailor, 63 n Exeter
Simpson Joseph, lapidary and seal engraver, 3
n Frederick
Simpson L. R., variety store, 554 w Balt
Simpson Mary, 71 e Lombard
Simpson Rezin B., 271 n Poppleton
Simpson Thomas, shoemaker, l63 Gough
Simpson Thomas, painter, 30 Orleans, shop
Simpson William, boarding house, 63 Thames
Simpson Lloyd D., attorney at law, 20 Second
Simpson Thomas, carpenter, 62 Courtland
Simpson James, carpenter, 39 Chatsworth
Simpson Benj. L., (Jas. T. & B. L. S.) h Gough
Simpson Capt. John, 197 Washington
Simpson John, weaver, 105 Peirce
Simpson Mrs. Maria, 194 Constitution
Simpson Sarah, 120 n Frernont
Simpson Thomas B., clerk, 320 n Eutaw
Simpson William, hatter, 118 a Bond
Simred Albert, tailor, 149 e Pratt
Simson Falk, clothier, 54l Baltimore
Simson Moses, pedlar, 1 n Spring
Simund Andrew H., cabinet maker, 139 Eager
Sinclair Alex., ship carpenter, 318 Eastern av
Sinclair Francis, confectioner, 19 e Baltimore
Sinclair Henry, shoemaker, 60 Pearl
Sinclair Perry, ship carpenter, 122 Bank
Sinclair Priscilla, 23 Eastern avenue
Sinclair Robert, (S. & Co.) 35 n Calvert
Sinclair Robert, jr., & Co., agricultural imple-
ment manufacturers, 62 Light, h R. S., jr., 135
n Calvert
307 SKE
Sinclair Robert H., clerk, 295 Aisquith
Sinclair William, brass moulder, 40 Gough
Sinclair Mary, 288 Alice Anna
Sinclair Michael, 190 Canton avenue
Sinclair Frederick, laborer, 191 s Wolf
Sinclair John, carpenter, 121 Gough
Sinclair Dr. Wm. B., 143 Hoffman
Sindall John W., stone cutter, near 268 York av
Sindall John H., bricklayer, 230 Eden
Sindall Samuel, tinner, 126 e Lombard
Sindall Sam., elk. B. & O. R.R., h 525 w Fayette
Sindolph John, tavern, 255 s Rroadway
Sindoph Eliza, shopkeeper, 400 Saratoga
SINGER ISAAC M. & CO'S improved patent
sewing machine, 159 Baltimore, Chester W.
Crosby, agent
See card, next page.
Singer John, blacksmith, 135 Regester
Singer George, paver, 172 Lee
Singer Joseph, laborer, 19 Tyson alley
Singewald Gotlb., hatter, 140 n Gay
Singewald T. H., hatter, 227 Broadway
Singleton Charles F., h 53 Courtland
Singleton William, laborer, 26 Rock
Sining Henry, 24 Dewberry alley
Sink John, laborer, 26 Dallas
Sinkhand Adam, wheelwright, 4 s Carlton
Sinkhand Lewis, blacksmith, 140 Columbia
Sinkhorn Adam, laborer, 47 Preston
Sinn Elizabeth, boarding house, 66 s Paca
Sinners Elijah R., 292 Canton avenue
Sinners Mary Ann, 38 Orleans
Sinscheid John, cabinet maker. 184 s Bond
Sinsz Nicholas, tavern, 42 G. Hughes
Sioden Benjamin, bricklayer, 213 E Monument
Sipe Lewis, 41 Elizabeth
Sipes Geo., laborer, 207 Montgomery
Sipes Joshua, butcher, 224 Penn. avenue
Sipfor John, tailor, 37 n Frederick
Sipley John H., machinist, 63 n Eden
Sippel George, carter, 272 Durham
Sippel John, laborer, 211 Durham
Sippel John, carter, 500 w Lexington
Sipple Mary, 42 n Howard
Sis Conrad, bisket maker, 25 Low
Sisco Ann, regalia and ladies' trimmings manu-
facturer, 95 Baltimore
Sisman Henry, 346 s Charles
Sisselberger Lewis, of gas factory, 128 Dolphin
Sisselberger Martin, well digger, 64 Richmond
Sisselberger George, 111 Preston
SISSON (Hugh) & BAIRD, proprietors steam
marble works, 207 North
See page 309
Sisson Hugh, (S. &Baird,) h 18 York avenae
Sites John, laborer, 87 Johnson
Sites Daniel, laborer, 30 Elizabeth
Sitler Morris, 28 Camden
Sitler Samuel, tobacconist, 77 Warner
Sitler Christopher, tailor, 127 n Bond
Sitler Sarah, 106 n Greene
Sitz John, carter, 39 Lee
Sitz Sophia, 2 Stale
Sitzler Bennet, shoemaker, 149 Fremont
Sivney Joseph, shoe dealer, 122 n Gay
Sizeler John, laborer, 310 s Bond
Sizely Aug., laborer, 66 Chapel
Sizner John, cooper, 143 Henrietta
Skefferman Harman, 632 Light
Skelley John, laborer, 210 Raborg
Skelly Luke, moulder, 324 w Fayettc