Sherman George, laborer, 282 Johnson
Sherman George, cooper, 310 s Charles
Sherman George, cabinet maker, 271 s Bond
Sherman James, 7 Albemarle
Sherman John, ship carpenter, 252 e Lombard
Sherman John, laborer, 79 McElderry's wharf
Sherman Mary, 78 Mulberry
Sherman Robert, cooper, 199 Bethel
Sherman Wm. H,, engineer, 538 Lexington
Shermon L., butcher, 132s Spring
Sherrington Elizabeth, 176 Wolf
Sherry Bernard, 184 s Canal
Sherry John, horse dealer, 40 Sr. Mary
Sherry wood Mr., book-keeper, 43 French
Shert Engelbert, tavern keeper, 89 Thames
Sherwood Benj., oyster saloon, 20 s Spring
Sherwood (Wm.) & Co., (Robert,) book and job
printers, 6 n Gay
Sherwood Elizabeth, tailoress, 265 n Canal
Sherwood Elizabeth, 183 Preston
Sherwood Henry A., ship carpenter, 121 Bank
Sherwood Howel P., pr. oyster and boarding
house, 83 n Gay
Sherwood Hugh T., 9 China alley
Sherwood Jacob, mariner, 4 Halfmoon alley
Sherwood George T., 282 Johnson
Sherwood George W., 114 n Calvert
Sherwood Jesse A., 48 Orleans
Sherwood Luna, cupper, 170 Saratoga
Sherwood Phillip, (S. & Wetherall,) 125 s Ann
Sherwood Robert, (S. & Co.) 199 Aisquith
303 SHI
SHERWOOD RICHARD P's. eating and
lodging-house, &c., s e corner Harrison and
Fayette. See card.
Sherwood (Philip) & Wetherall, (Jas. M.) ship
smiths, 2 Fell
Sherwood Wm., (S. & Co.) h 70 Lombard
Sherwood Wm. F , 6G Washington
Sherwood Wm., laborer, 34 Haw
Sherwood Wm., clerk, 16 New Church
Sheshington John, 228 Mulberry
Shew George, Cotton factory row, Canton
Shester John, tailor, 209 Ross
Shew Mrs., 282 Monument
Shewill Zach., carpenter, 595 Penn. avenue
Shewr Henry, machinist, 61 Portland
Shiberth Christian, 25 e Pratt
Shields Abdin, shoemaker, 65 Vine
Shields John, whip maker, 19 Diamond
Shields John, laborer, 84 Madison
Shields Michael, laborer, 29 s Gay
Shields Michael, 82 Morris alley
Shields Bernard, hack driver, 97 North
Shields Catharine, 33 s Dallas
Shields George D., mer. tailor, 383 Lexington
Shields George N., furniture wagon, 63 Spring
Shields Richard D., grocer, 49 Greene, h 228
Shields Tho. A., (Fulton & S.) h 172 Cathedral
Shierman Charles, gro. and liquor dealer, 21 e
Shiers George, clerk, 232 n Caroline