Baltimore Fresh-Cove
Rochey John, 662 Light
Rochford Thomas, tavern, 41 President
Rock Bridget, 59 French
Rock Mary, 324 n Howard
Rock Thomas, tailor, 22 French
Rock Thomas, shoemaker, 9 Warner
Rockman Frederick, 297 Alice Anna
Rockmiller Wm. tanner, 123 Madison
Rocks Michael, hack proprietor, 20 Lee
Rockstraw Francis E., finisher, 32 Brunswick
Rockwell Capt. Wm., 89 Caroline
Rod Charles, machinist, 647 Baltimore
Rodah Adam, 574 Penn. avenue
Rodal Edward, 268 Alice Anna
Rodde John, tailor, 42 Orleans,
Rodde Lewis, oyster house, 60 President
Roddat John, tavern keeper, 41 Commerce
Rode Christopher, carpenter, 526 w Pratt
Rode George, tailor, 68 s Canal
Rode John, cooper, 188 s Ann
Rode Wm., laborer, 102 Lancaster
Rodehart Henry, Essex st
Roden Margaret, 156 n High
Rodenmayer Geo. C., cabinet maker, 38 Ensor
Rodenmayer George, 211 w Fayette
Rodenmayer Henry, printer, 165 Aisquith
Rodenmayer John, painter, 27 Pine
Rodenmayer Wm. A., carp., 18 e Monument
Roder John C., grocer, 2 s Exeter
Roder William, clerk, 36 Marion
Roder John, tailor, 213 Montgomery
Roder Lewis, tinner, 292 Alice Anna
Roder Henry, cooper, 57 n Amity
Roder John, cabinet maker. 60 Orleans
Roderick Ignatius, carpenter, 208 Mulberry
Rodes Benjamin C., paper dealer, 227 Franklin
Rodes James, machinist, 15 n Poppleton
Rodewald Henry, 71 n Charles
Rodeyer Charles, shoemaker, 16 Regester
Rodgers Hugh, laborer, 64 s Howard
Rodgers James gro. and liq deal., 7 Friendship
Rodgers Jacob S., stone cutter, 81 Hillen
Rodgers Capt. John J., 25 s Exeter
Rodgers John, fire engine builder and machinist,
48 n High, h 43
Rodgers Mary Ann, 46 n High
Rodgers Margaret, 3 Granby
Rodgers Mar. D., (Medcalf & R.) h 9 Franklin
287 ROH
Rodley Thomas, prov. dealer, 212 n Howard
Rodolph Albert, laborer, 292 s Charles
Rodman Charles, machinist, 26 East
Rodney George W., ship carp., Washington
Roelky George A., shoemaker, 136 s Greene
Roer Henry, carpenter, 203 s Howard
Roesing John, book keeper, 35 Conway
Roesninck Frederick, tavern keeper, 312 s Bond
Roeth Frederick W., grocer, 251 s Howard
Roeth Ferdinand, porter, 249 s Howard
Roff James, engineer, 3 s Poppleton
Rogan Christopher, 270 Canton avenue
Rogan Patrick, mason, 82 Holliday
Rogan Philip, coachman, 95 s Howard
Rogers Alexander, hatter, 190 Chesnut
Rogers Amni, mariner, 31 Holland
Rogers James, printer, 309 Light
Rogers Edmund R., lawyer, 70 Fayette h 74
Rogers Edward, (Medcalf & R.) 101 Park
Rogers Daniel, watchman, 102 Regester
Rogers Edward, saddler, 190 Chesnut
Rogers Elizabeth, 362 w Fayette
Rogers Charles P. & Bro., druggists, 328 Balti-
more, h C. P. Rogers, n e corner Chatsworth
and Smith lane
Rogers Evans, (Rogers & Wetherall,) Park s of
Rogers George, (D. E. Thos. & G. R.) Hanover
Rogers George, book-keeper, 51 St. Paul
Rogers George, 14 Garden
Rogers Gilbert, jr., Dolphin near Gibson
Rogers Grafton D., 9 Franklin
Rogers Henry J., sup. House's tel., 82 Columbia
Rogers James C., (Coleman & R.) h 9 s Exeter
Rogers Jason, variety store, 237 Lexington
Rogers John W., engineer, 332 Saratoga
Rogers John, 75 St Paul
Rogers John H., 83 s Paca
Rogers John, fisher, 1 Livery alley
Rogers Jos., pump mak., 31 n Greene, h 45 Pine
Rogers Joseph, jr., 30 Pine
Rogers Joseph, pump maker, 29 Greene
Rogers Michael W., (Duval, Rogers & Co.) h 95
Rogers Mary, 100 Hamburg
Rogers Nathan & Co., ship and com. merchants.
111 Smith's wharf, h N. R. 188 Franklin
Rogers Nathaniel, laborer, 278 s Broadway
Rogers Peter, carter, 23 Eislen
Rogers Patrick, huckster, 190 Lexington
Rogers Robt. L., attorney at law, 2 Spurrier's ct.
Rogers Rowland, hatter, 7 Light, h 8 Mulberry
Rogers Sarah, 57 n Charles
Rogers Seth S., (Coleman & R.) h 92 Pearl
ROGERS ( Evans) & WETHER ALL, (W.G.)
iron and steel warehouse, 16 Water
Rogers Wm., coal merchant, h Franklin square,
Calhoun st
Rogers Wm., of Jacob, Franklin square, coal
yard 514 w Fayette
Rogers Wm. B., 281 w Fayette
Rogers Wm., fisher, 4 w Falls avenue
Rogge Charles, upholsterer, 58 Pearl
Roggers Joseph, jr. 30 Pine
Roggois Nathan, laborer, 278 n Bond
Rohades Caleb, gro. and liq. dealer, 308 s Eutaw
Rohlede John, laborer, 291 Columbia
Rogue Francis, shoe findings deal., 43 Harrison
Rohleter Francis, carpet weaver, 12 L. Gough